Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita



2011-12-19 12:55

Jai SrKrishna!!!

Srimad Bhagvath Gita is a sacred scripture which has captured the holy speech of Lord Krishna himself. Its not a Hindu religious book but its above religion, its for man kind, society. Its messages are so pure and sacred that anyone can listen and find true sense of it. You follow any belief, finally you reach your destiny.

The world community can't expect a ban in a country like Russia which is amongst the most developed nation and should have tolerance for all beliefs.

Hari Bol!



2011-12-19 12:55

GOD has given us everything Sunlight, fresh air, water to drink and nice food to eat. Can you create anything out of this on your own. Still you want Ban on his words. Prabhupadji is bonafide representative of Krishna and so has translated excatly what krishna wants. Problem is we dont understand.



2011-12-19 12:55

bhagwat gita is a spritual book ,its inspires us to live a life



2011-12-19 12:56

выражать это КОЩУНСТВОМ не стоит мизерной доли содеянной.
такое возможно только в России!!!



2011-12-19 12:56

There is nothing in this world to fear but to understand. So, let us understand more and fear less -- Marie Curie.

Hence, we should not fear from Bhagavad-gita as it is the message of our eternal well-wisher and father, God. We should try to understand it. If you understand it, you will love it instead of banning it. So, my dear juries, first please read the ISKCON Bhagavad-gita as it is from ISKCON devotees and then think of further action.



2011-12-19 12:57

Bhagavad Gita is most revered and respected scripture of ours. It teaches us to love not to hate. Our religious sentiments are attached with it. Banning a scripture is not the solution. Please don't ban Bhagavad-Gita.



2011-12-19 12:57

According to the New World Order, a fundemental right offered by democracy allows the individuals in society to decide for themselves as to what is religiously acceptable. The banning of the Bhagavad Gita in Russia will go against the principles of modern democracy.
Russia needs to reconsider so as not infringe on the individual rights of their citizens.



2011-12-19 12:58

this shows the idiocracy of current politicians



2011-12-19 12:59

Its like if you have given maths problem to solve and you dont understand the basic rules of mathematics, then you say the problem given is incorrect. Try to understand basics then you will undersatnd the higher problems. Hare Krishna.


2011-12-19 12:59

shri krishana willnot spare him.koi kans kay khandan say taluk rakhta hoga.



2011-12-19 12:59

It should be a request to Russian Govt. to read this book, then and then they will understand what it's contents are. This book is not for violence, but teaches pure non-violence and the only formula for world peace.



2011-12-19 13:00

El Bhagavad Gita - es una de las obras mas preciadas de toda la Humanidad y todas las personas deben leer esta obra para que comprendan el sentido real de la vida en un cuerpo humano. Todo el que promueve la prohibicion de esta sublime obra, va en contra de su propia naturaleza y se encuentra en una ignorancia completa.


2011-12-19 13:00

To ban Shreemad Bhagwat Gita in part of Russia is the mere immature thinking of few people as they object merely out of there non sense, when large amnt of fiction is marketed they feel no hesitation abt it but have prob with this holy book, this is b'cos they do not value d universal acceptance n moreover Gita is not only for Hindu alone as it is a life philosophy n for whole humanity whethr one believe in any religion, even a great scientist A. Einstein read it found it much admirable, its nothing but a mere folly on the part of protestors.



2011-12-19 13:00

Послание Господа вечно!



2011-12-19 13:00

Please save the humanity by allowing the message of Bhagavad Gita As it Is to reach them.



2011-12-19 13:00

Please do not ban Bhagwad Gita



2011-12-19 13:00

please help to save value of humanity



2011-12-19 13:01

Dont ban these kind of books which shows the way to live successful life to humans



2011-12-19 13:01

its a holy book, please dont ban it. You have no right to ban any holy book



2011-12-19 13:03

The court proceedings will resume in Siberian city Tomsk, Russia, on 28th of December.They changed the date for Bhagavad-gita court.Hare Krishna!



2011-12-19 13:04

When all is looking dark & gloomy, let us seek His divine grace, blessings & interference.



2011-12-19 13:04

Please save Humanity



2011-12-19 13:04

Please support this petition..
Hare Krishna
Hari Bol



2011-12-19 13:05

Let the words of God reach to his childrens.



2011-12-19 13:05

Lets pray to the LORD in this battle