We Demand Justice for YueYue - 15yr Sentences for Drivers
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#512011-10-25 13:56Can't understand it.. everytime I see a picture of Yue Yue the tears are fallin.. RIP little Girl ♥ Love u ♥ xoxo |
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#522011-10-25 14:45Justice pour yue yue pour le mal causé a sa famille mais surtout à elle même et que cette justice sois exemplaire et je sais que la justice de dieu leur tombera dessus le jour de leur jugement dernier! |
jigx |
#532011-10-25 15:41I still can't get-over with this after 3 days... The image of a young yueyue being crushed down by two sanamagans and being snobbed and ignored by heartless bypassers still lingers into my brain. My wife re-processed(psychologically) me after she noticed my repeated story-telling; how I was deeply saddened by the incident. |
jigx |
#54 Re:2011-10-25 15:44
same here... We may not even know that lil girl but the HUMAN inside us is passionate enough to affect our emotion... much love yueyue.. rest in the embrace of our MAKER... |
Guest |
#552011-10-25 16:47Please, please I hope some one kill this man who killed this lovely girl. |
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#572011-10-25 17:19No puedo expresar con palabras la impotencia que se siente al saber lo ocurrido y pensar en cuant@s habrán sufrido lo mismo mientras la gente pasa a su lado sin socorrerles sin que nadie estuviera allí para darlo a conocer. ¿A donde ha ido nuestra humanidad? Algo está muy mal si el dinero está por encima de salvar una vida. |
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#582011-10-25 20:33Justice must be served for Yue Yue so that she did not die in vain! She will not be forgotten! That horrible video needs to be removed, we don't need to remember her that way! May your sweet soul rest in peace in heaven baby Yue Yue! Love you always! |
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#60 Re: Who is truly responsible?????2011-10-25 23:48#23: Adopted Children Unwanted! - Who is truly responsible????? I kinda agree with you. If it wasn't for her irresponsible parents, she would not have been wandering around. But the truck drivers as well are responsible for her death since they ran her over and did not bother stopping to help her, one randher over 2 times. I feel the parents along with the drivers are responsible for this beautiful angel. RIP YueYue. God bless you and be with you Princess. <3 |
Guest |
#61 Re:2011-10-25 23:57I know how you feel :'( I was in shock and just could not take in nor beleive this video was real and it really did happen. I could not sleep for days thinking about Yue Yue and her pain and suffering, I still cannot lay my head without thinking about her and all of the other millions of children that have been murdered in cold blood. :'( Including Brianna Lopez. We have no hummanity left in this world, no love for our future, our children. It sickens me and makes me so sad what is going on in this aweful world. But sometimes it eases my mind when I know there are other people like you and like myself that care! God watch over all of the children of the world and protect them. Send them your angels to love them and keep them safe. Protect the children all over the world, like in Africa from those wizards that kidnap children and murder them in cold blood as a sacrifice for wealth! this is an outcry! Please reach out to every single one of them. RIP all the children all over the world who have been taken from us. You are now in a better place little angels. God has taken your pain away and suffering and gave you wings and all the love you deserve. You will always and for ever be in my heart and prayers. <3 carmina dennis |
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#622011-10-26 04:13Hi everyone, Something I just don't understand: what was Yue Yue, Peace upon her, doing in the middle of the street????! Would you let a little child on his/her own? The responsabilities go to the parents first, then the drivers & all 18 people...that's my point of view.. I'm really, deeply happy to sign as we do need this kind of petition to shake governments.. |
Kikomee |
#63 Re: Who is truly responsible?????2011-10-26 04:33#23: Adopted Children Unwanted! - Who is truly responsible????? Hi! I felt like something wasn't ok when that woman took little angel Yue Yue just right after the rag collector rescuer..the way Yue Yue was taken..your child has been hit and you just take her that brutal way ?! I mean, someone injured, wounded, yuou have to be really carefull, don't you? Something is wrong with the parents..only God knows..the video shows a certain careless..could you tell where you got the info that the so called mother was told to cry, please? Poor baby Yue Yue..no more pain, no more careless, selfishness..would you turn your back more than 2mn from a baby child? Everything can happen in seconds..something is wrong with the parents.. |
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#642011-10-26 07:51Rest in peace little angel, I am so sorry its taken your severe pain and suffering to make a nation see what is wrong in their society. I think of you everyday, goodnight xxx |
Sharyn |
#65 Re: Re: Who is truly responsible?????2011-10-26 07:58#63: Kikomee - Re: Who is truly responsible????? Please be aware that neither the rubbish collector nor the mother new what this child had just been subject too. The rescuer thought the child had simply fell over and had a nose bleed, she didnt know she had been ran over twice. The mother was collecting dried washing at her home when she returned to notice her daughter was missing, she went to find her to be confronted with her on the street and a woman over her - she grabbed her up and then realised somethingontri was very wrong, she then broke down in tears. This mother blames herself. Simply collecting washing, like I have done, leaving my children inside - her child came into harms way. She is not to blame for this, although she feels guilt for not being a better parent. WE SHOULD ALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CHILDREN OF OUR SOCIETY. And this is an important message to those who walked by, they contributed to her death by not getting her help. They didnt have to perform first aid, but they could have called emergency services or tried to alert her mother. They could have simply directed traffic around her. Those drivers had no compassion for another human, and for that fact alone - they should be given life, they killed her. You take a life and disregard it in such a way, you lose yours. Give them life. |
Sharyn |
#66 Re:2011-10-26 07:59Please be aware that neither the rubbish collector nor the mother new what this child had just been subject too. The rescuer thought the child had simply fell over and had a nose bleed, she didnt know she had been ran over twice. The mother was collecting dried washing at her home when she returned to notice her daughter was missing, she went to find her to be confronted with her on the street and a woman over her - she grabbed her up and then realised somethingontri was very wrong, she then broke down in tears. This mother blames herself. Simply collecting washing, like I have done, leaving my children inside - her child came into harms way. She is not to blame for this, although she feels guilt for not being a better parent. WE SHOULD ALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CHILDREN OF OUR SOCIETY. And this is an important message to those who walked by, they contributed to her death by not getting her help. They didnt have to perform first aid, but they could have called emergency services or tried to alert her mother. They could have simply directed traffic around her. Those drivers had no compassion for another human, and for that fact alone - they should be given life, they killed her. You take a life and disregard it in such a way, you lose yours. Give them life. |
sharyn |
#67 Re: Re: Who is truly responsible?????2011-10-26 07:59#60: - Re: Who is truly responsible????? Please be aware that neither the rubbish collector nor the mother new what this child had just been subject too. The rescuer thought the child had simply fell over and had a nose bleed, she didnt know she had been ran over twice. The mother was collecting dried washing at her home when she returned to notice her daughter was missing, she went to find her to be confronted with her on the street and a woman over her - she grabbed her up and then realised somethingontri was very wrong, she then broke down in tears. This mother blames herself. Simply collecting washing, like I have done, leaving my children inside - her child came into harms way. She is not to blame for this, although she feels guilt for not being a better parent. WE SHOULD ALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CHILDREN OF OUR SOCIETY. And this is an important message to those who walked by, they contributed to her death by not getting her help. They didnt have to perform first aid, but they could have called emergency services or tried to alert her mother. They could have simply directed traffic around her. Those drivers had no compassion for another human, and for that fact alone - they should be given life, they killed her. You take a life and disregard it in such a way, you lose yours. Give them life. |
Guest |
#68 Re: Who is truly responsible????? - GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT2011-10-26 08:01#23: Adopted Children Unwanted! - Who is truly responsible????? Please be aware that neither the rubbish collector nor the mother new what this child had just been subject too. The rescuer thought the child had simply fell over and had a nose bleed, she didnt know she had been ran over twice. The mother was collecting dried washing at her home when she returned to notice her daughter was missing, she went to find her to be confronted with her on the street and a woman over her - she grabbed her up and then realised somethingontri was very wrong, she then broke down in tears. This mother blames herself. Simply collecting washing, like I have done, leaving my children inside - her child came into harms way. She is not to blame for this, although she feels guilt for not being a better parent. WE SHOULD ALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CHILDREN OF OUR SOCIETY. And this is an important message to those who walked by, they contributed to her death by not getting her help. They didnt have to perform first aid, but they could have called emergency services or tried to alert her mother. They could have simply directed traffic around her. Those drivers had no compassion for another human, and for that fact alone - they should be given life, they killed her. You take a life and disregard it in such a way, you lose yours. Give them life. |
Guest |
#692011-10-26 10:44I'm french, I have a 21 months baby. i'm shocked by this story. RIP little angel yueyue... :-( |
Guest |
#702011-10-26 16:52par Frédérique Baulieu et Henri Leclerc, avocats de Dominique Strauss-Kahn dans l'affaire Tristane Banon Il fut un temps où les condamnés étaient flétris pour la vie par une marque au fer rouge sur l'épaule, C'était une peine infligée par les juges qui avaient auparavant dit que la culpabilité était établie. Voilà qu'au vu du communiqué annonçant la décision prise par le parquet de classer la plainte en tentative de viol déposée par Tristane Banon contre Dominique Strauss-Kahn, celui-ci porterait désormais la marque rouge et serait "officiellement un agresseur sexuel" à vie. Il avait été accusé de s'être livré à des actes dont nul ne saurait contester qu'ils soient, s'ils avaient été commis, horribles et intolérables. Lors de son audition par les services de police, dans le souci de ne rien cacher de la réalité du déroulement de cette rencontre avec Tristane Banon, il a spontanément déclaré que, l'entretien terminé, après un moment d'échanges plus badin et alors qu'il avait le sentiment "qu'une certaine ouverture existait", il avait voulu l'embrasser, qu'elle l'avait repoussé en lui disant : "Ça ne va pas ?" et qu'il avait immédiatement renoncé. Le parquet proclame dans un communiqué destiné à la presse, qui n'est donc pas une décision de justice susceptible de recours mais qui est repris de manière malveillante comme une vérité judiciaire par certains, que Dominique Strauss-Kahn aurait reconnu des faits d'agression sexuelle sans donner d'autres précisions sur cette reconnaissance. Le parquet sait pourtant ce qui a été reconnu. Ces faits ne sauraient être qualifiés d'agression sexuelle puisque ce délit grave est obligatoirement commis avec violence, contrainte, menace ou surprise. A moins de recourir pour les besoins de la cause à une interprétation extensive nouvelle qui n'a jamais été admise par les juges. Lorsque le parquet classe la plainte de Tristane Banon au motif que, faute d'éléments de preuve suffisants sur les faits dénoncés, les poursuites ne peuvent être engagées du chef de tentative de viol, il constate une évidence. Mais lorsque le même parquet, dont il faut rappeler que la plume est serve, écrit que "des faits pouvant être qualifiés d'agression sexuelle sont quant à eux reconnus", il commet non seulement une erreur mais aussi une faute. |
Guest |
#712011-10-26 19:42I felt great pain for this baby and her story.I feel all those who walked passed her lifeless body as well as the drivers should receive punishment. I fear the world is spinning out of control with greed and selfish acts, this is a fine example. May the universe show no mercy to those who let little Yueyue for dead. |
Guest |
#722011-10-26 21:02Horrible !!!! Personne ne s'occupe d'elle c'est honteux, non pas seulement au chauffeur mais au passant, au cycliste... BRAVO!!! |
Kikomee |
#75 Yue Yue Law!!!2011-10-27 03:09We will fight for Yue Yue and those who died just like her: killed and left unrescued! So Chinese rulers, we demand a rapid action and punishment to those 18 and drivers who did nothing else but passing by and hit and run over. Wether you do the "right" thing by giving Yue Yue a response and quickly or the image of China will be more deteriated, as if it wasn't already. China wants to succeed, whatever the cost in order to show its commercial supremacy to the world. Well, what we have seen since are not knowing human rights, dictate other countries what to do and not to do, e.g: Tibet's case when the Dalai Lama had to tour around the world and promote Tibet's problems, you didn't agree with and just ordered leaders not to welcome the Dalai Lama. The world has been watching you, your acts and misbehaviors for so long. Enough is enough. Yue Yue is not the only one who died in such horrible way. A little boy, aged 5 died after being hit and run by a truck. A mother who was riding her bicycle, had been hit and run by several vehicles as well. What's wrong with you?!! |
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