NMMU PETITION: Unlawful Protests violating our Right to Education

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition NMMU PETITION: Unlawful Protests violating our Right to Education.



2016-09-28 08:26

Those in charge of all academic institutions need to take charge and get their places of learning back into full operation. This is what they are paid to do -- lead -- serve the majority and provide the classes that the serious students have paid for!



2016-09-28 08:28

Son is 2nd year NMMU student BEd. Can't afford to have him not goto varsity.



2016-09-28 08:29

To enable hardworking students to complete their academic year
and not waste all this time.



2016-09-28 08:31

The bad apples need to be plucked from the tree enabling the good apples to strive and grow


2016-09-28 08:34

I have been paying varsity fees faithfully for the last 10 years!!!! We have some how against all odds managed to put 3 children through varsity! And now we get this! A few weeks short of a degree! We CANNOT afford another year of fees! We have already cashed in our pension!!!!! There is nothing left! They have to allow the students to complete this year! 



2016-09-28 08:34

We need to finish 2016's academic year in 2016! If people continue like this, we will have major time constraints when the movement has been resolved. I understand the movement and the unfairness of poor people being further disadvantaged but if we dont finish 2016's academic year in 2016, people are going to struggle to pass. The university cant afford to pay lecturers to lecture for more than the prescribed time.



2016-09-28 08:35

Just like every other parent ,it is costing a lot of money.My son is 3rd year and cant afford to write exams next year or later.Who will re inverse him a year salary that he will loose as a qualified Quantity surveyor.Who will pay pay for the lost of time and money..He has a right as a paying student to finish his studies.



2016-09-28 08:39

I have removed my name from this petition because I disagree with what Mr Price is saying. Calling protesters "scum bags" is definitely not something I would agree to.



2016-09-28 08:43

The right to education is not being upheld and there are plenty of safe and constructive ways to solve theses issues.



2016-09-28 08:47

My Grandson is in his last year and our family cannot afford to pay for another year plus the unlawful violent protests are a violation of our human rights and constitution.



2016-09-28 08:47

Anyone has the right to protest and express their point of view. They do not have the right to loot, damage, steal, barricade roads, burn tyres or to prevent others, who do not necessarily share their viewpoint, from continuing with classes and studying - something which they have paid for. The university has not recognised the rights of the non-protesting students and this is both unconstitutional and cause for great concern.


#387 Re: Re: Re: Safety of Staff & Students

2016-09-28 08:49

#357: - Re: Re: Safety of Staff & Students 

Oh, so no responsibility for Advocate Price should his actions force the opening of NMMU and ultimately lead to a member of the instatutions safety being compromised. How typical is that, all the accolades, but none of the responsibility. If you want to be a public figure & seriously lead a movement you need to be willing to take responsibility for all possible outcomes related to that movement. The NMMU have taken responsibility by shutting the instatution as they cannot guarantee safety, its as simple as that.



2016-09-28 08:50

I feel terribly sorry for those students who cant afford an education..... But the universities do not have the finances to provide these students with free education! They are protesting outside the wrong places! They should be protesting outside our presidents house! ... namely inkandala



2016-09-28 08:54

A small minority of students without a mandate are infringing on the rights of students who wish to continue with or complete their studies. Besides their unlawful conduct and destruction of property. I understand their struggle. It has been around since the dawn of mankind. Their is no excuse for their behaviour.


2016-09-28 08:55

NMMU negotiates with these few thugs and then leaves the majority of students to their own devices.

Sending students power point presentations and telling them to self study WTF. That is not what I'm paying good money for.

If the student fails because of no lectures and had to self study, will I be recieving my money back?

Do these thugs know that there is nothing for free in life? We are creating a nation of free loaders that expects and demands everything for free.


#391 Re:

2016-09-28 08:57

#386: -  

 Well said!


#392 Re: Re: Safety of Staff & Students

2016-09-28 08:59

#337: NMMU Alumnus - Re: Safety of Staff & Students 

 Safety and security is the responsibility of both NMMU and the Police. If you or I were to intimidate or destroy property, we would be arrested and sent to jail. Why does this not apply to the protestors? Nothing wrong with protesting, just don’t intimidate or burn stuff.

Rob Ermes



#393 Re: Re: Re: Re: Safety of Staff & Students

2016-09-28 09:02

#387: - Re: Re: Re: Safety of Staff & Students 

 Ok... so lets all crawl under a rock, do nothing and let the minority of thugs hold the whole system to randsom.

Exactly what they want.



2016-09-28 09:05

I want to study.


#395 Re:

2016-09-28 09:07

#386: -  

 100% correct.

On top of that the thugs still demand that the cafateria remains open and that the shutte service transports them to the place of protest. SERIOUSLY???????????



2016-09-28 09:17

The ongoing unlawful protests taking place at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University are preventing many of the students from attending lectures and thus are a violation of our constitutional right...



2016-09-28 09:19

We are tired of being silent and accepting what is not right. Our children, who are law abiding and pay the fees, have rights, the right to their education and their safety and if they abide to all rules, why shouldn't the University.



2016-09-28 09:22

Education should not be 'held prisoner' for a few rotten apples



2016-09-28 09:26

It is not fair on the students who want to study and have paid their fees. Those Students who are rioting (behaving like thugs) in the minority should be discussing their issues with the heads of the University. The University should have nipped this in the bud!!


#400 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Safety of Staff & Students

2016-09-28 09:27

#393: - Re: Re: Re: Re: Safety of Staff & Students 

 Not at all, this is a national issue, requiring a national response and national solution. As responsible citizens of the Republic we should let those in charge control these situations and resolve them. We should take the high road and not join the anarchy and dish out threats of our own. Throughout history it has shown that this approach will increase the divide between rivalling factions and ultimately lead to greater confrontation.