SAY NO to the UNLAWFUL CLOSURE and POLICE RAID of the Labyrinth Buda Castle



2011-08-16 19:20

The Labyrinth is a wonderful and exciting place. I have been a number of times and as a tourist have recommended it to other tourists. Please do not close it. It is one of Budapest's greatest assets.

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2011-08-24 07:30

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2011-08-24 07:32

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2011-08-24 07:32

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2011-08-24 07:33



2011-08-25 01:32

Dear petition organizers,

I honestly hope that you will manage to overcome this attempt by so called authorities to cease the 30 years of your work and dedication to one of the most important historical sites in Budapest.

I was planning whit my family and friends to visit Budapest this fall in order to show my kids beauty of your Capital.

After seeing development of situation related to the Labyrinth of Buda Castle we will strongly reconsider our decision and I’m pretty sure that we will postpone our visit to Budapest for some more civilized time.

And I have one suggestion to you – it would be very convenient for the foreigners if you could translate the petition form to English or German. Luckily I do understand some basic of your language but I don’t think that this is the case with most of the foreign visitors.

Best regards from Zagreb,
Sergej Ivasovic

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2011-08-27 07:46


#8 Re:

2011-08-27 12:16

#6: -


The petition text is in english.. Or what do you see in hungarian?



2011-09-12 05:26

This labyrinth is a beautiful, amazing piece of history. Do not close it!!!!



2011-09-16 00:07

I have visited the labyrinth on many occasions and is totally inspiring. to close it in such an aggressive way is shocking. i hope there is a rethink>



2011-09-27 19:47

I visited the labyrinth several years ago, and I remained speechless and breathless of such an amazing place. I am deeply sorry that this time I intend to visit Budapest with my kids, I will not be able to share with them such a rich and vivid experience. Very sad.



2011-09-28 09:43

open the labyrinth of Buda Castle

#13 Was really looking forward to seeing the labrynthes

2011-10-21 23:06

And find it disturbing that it has been summarily closed in such a fashion. It calls into question Hungary's desire to participate in civilised society.



2011-10-28 13:50

This is a monument that should be shared with everybody who visits Budapest, and there is no good enough reason to ever close it down. The underground ruins are an amazing site and I feel lucky that I was able to visit them last yearh, and hoped to return on my next trip to Budapest.



2011-10-28 13:57

This is a discrace, completely unfair to Budapest and its visitors. People come from all over the world to see these caves, don't let this happen any longer.



2011-11-06 04:12

One of my most favorite places on the planet! This unwarranted closing is outrageous and seeks to deny people access to this important and unique historical site. I urge the officials to reconsider and work with staff to reopen this treasure.



2011-11-26 13:08

this labyrinth must be open!



2011-12-06 11:43

Mijn volk gaat niet onder aan ziekte maar aan onwetendheid.



2011-12-17 03:47

I've been there before, and I support it and want it to stay open to the public.



2011-12-27 18:32

is a shame close that monnument



2011-12-30 20:42

Am batut drum lung sa vad aceste galerii minunate si nu am reusit .....
nu e drept sa fie inchise
NU inchiderii



2012-01-04 12:46

I have been to the Labyrinth each time I have visited Budapest. It was one of the highlights of my visits.



2012-03-01 02:55

This is a disgrace to a wonderful and enlightening attraction and whoever has authorised this should be ashamed.



2012-03-30 22:59

I will be visiting Budapest in April and I am very disappointed that the caves are closed! This was one of the principle attractions for my visit! I hope that they will be re-opened soon.

Carl Axness, Rio Rancho, NM, USA



2012-06-16 13:41

pointless closure -.-"