please don't put down OZ sumartan tiger hamilton zoo nz

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition please don't put down OZ sumartan tiger hamilton zoo nz.



2015-09-21 00:44

It's not the tigers fault. Whether well-fed or not, this is a WILD animal being held in captivity. They can't be trained, instincts are strong. It was doing what came naturally to it. My condolences to the family for their loss but I'm sure the lady who died, who has said that Oz was her favourite, would not want him to be put down either. Show respect for this amazing animal and for Sam Kudeweh.



2015-09-21 00:44

This tiger should not be put down, I fell very upset and annoyed about this that it could happen. I hope we all fight for the rights of this tiger!!!



2015-09-21 00:44

It's is up to the keepers to keep themselves safe, Oz is not to blame for being a wild tiger, nor should he be condemned to pay the price of his life for someone else's mistake.



2015-09-21 00:45

it's Not the Tigers fault really. He is a wild animal locked in a Zoo.
He needs to be saved from extinction and we need to do it. Its not his fault and to fair why should he die because of his instincts. It is what it is an animal locked up and gazed upon because if it was us and we were on display would we like it. I am so sure the Keeper that died wouldn't have anted him put down as she understood the risks



2015-09-21 00:45

He is a wild animal no animal at any time should be trusted.He was only doing what wild animals do.Sorry totje family but he is a tiger.



2015-09-21 00:45

So sad that his keeper lost her life. She sounds like someone who wouldn't want him to lose his life over human error and something that is in his nature though. He is a wild animal kept in captivity and he doesn't know any better, he doesn't even know what he's done is wrong because it's in his nature. He doesn't deserve to die and I don't think he should be put to sleep.



2015-09-21 00:46

The Tiger didn't do anything wrong. The weak kneed hand wringers must not get their way.



2015-09-21 00:47

Because OZ never chose to be captive , us selfish humans did and he may roar but we are his voice!



2015-09-21 00:47

Please sign this everyone!! Tigers are not pets, and shouldn't be treated as such! You should not get killed for following your natural instincts!!



2015-09-21 00:48

Hate to see animals suffer because they have been forced to live a terrible life in a zoo. This beautiful tiger must be sent to a sanctuary



2015-09-21 00:49

Tigers are awsome predators. It is wrong to keep them in a zoo for our entertainment, and wrong to punish them simply for behaving as the predators they have evolved to be.



2015-09-21 00:50

The tiger was doing what is natural to them protecting its territory and the zoo keeper obviously made a mistake in not following a safe routine.
It's a very sad accident . RIP Sam.



2015-09-21 00:50

I signed this petition because I don't believe that we should put the tiger to sleep. We don't believe in capital punishment in this country. Oz is a wild animal .



2015-09-21 00:50

To put an animal down for doing what it's instinctivley is programmed to do is arrogant and unforgivable. just because we make a mistake doesn't mean the animal should suffer. It's disgusting.



2015-09-21 00:50

Tiger did what tigers do



2015-09-21 00:50

So very sad what happened but he is a wild animal it's not his fault!



2015-09-21 00:50

This animal is only doing what comes naturally. Leave it alone.
The keeper would be appalled to think that it would lose it's life this way.



2015-09-21 00:51

the keeper who died probably so loved animals she would not want this. the tiger does not realise, it is his way, he is a wild animal, he should not be removed in this way, but understood for who he is.



2015-09-21 00:51

A tiger of this beauty and importance, should not be punished for behaving like a tiger. All sympathy to the victims family. As an ardent conservationist, SHE would sign this petition.



2015-09-21 00:51

He is an endangered species yet us humans chose to put him in an enclosure whether it be for his own protection or human entertainment.
Of course I send big condolences to the victim and her family.
This was her passion. I highly doubt she'll agree to euthanasia.
Unfortunately human error is at fault. Not the animal.



2015-09-21 00:51

I don't think that a knee jerk reaction of killing an endangered tiger is reasonable. The tiger only does what comes naturally to them. They are not pets & should always be treated as potentially dangerous wild animals.



2015-09-21 00:51

There was human error here if she was cleaning out the cage she should have been separated from the Tiger. It's not his fault he would have been protecting
His space that's his den.



2015-09-21 00:52

It's a wild animal - it didn't do anything wrong


#399 Re:

2015-09-21 00:52

so true, too many mongrels walk the streets, this magnificent chap should be allowed to live

#388: -  




2015-09-21 00:53

Because tigers are wild animals and should not be in zoos. It was merely doing what is normal for it. Shame on the zoo for keeping this magnificent animal in captivity.