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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition POR QUE LA UNESCO NO DECLARE LOS TOROS PATRIMONIO DE LA HUMANIDAD.
Guest |
#23012012-12-05 15:31Worse entertainments , than murder, it is difficult to think of!!! |
Guest |
#23022012-12-07 21:59No existe una ética para animales y una etica para personas, solo existe la ética, y los toros no lo son... |
jess |
#23032012-12-07 23:11Ninguna tradición sádica y cruel debe de ser cultura ni mucho menos patrimonio de la humanidad, ningún animal debe ser torturado y sacrificado para espectáculos y diversión de los hombres. |
LIFErespect |
#2304 Stop this cancer of our society! Respect the LIFE!2012-12-08 11:51Those who love to see animals diyng like this are psychological sick, need to be rejected from our society or to be treated in closed psychiatric units. |
1234 |
#2305 Killing is NOT CULTURE!2012-12-08 11:54to kill like that and to watch can only that one who has no culture at all! |
345678 |
#2306 chinul nu poate fi spectacol2012-12-08 20:01corida exprimä o boalä psihicä a oamenilor din evul mediu si este de neconceput ca in zilele noastre sä mai asistäm la asemenea spectacole. cit despre declararea coridei ca patrimoniu al umanitätii UNESCO iti vine sä iti faci cruce si sä fugi. nici cum nu poate fi aläturatä corida adeväratelor valori ale umanitätii!!! |
Maggie |
#23082012-12-09 04:06how dare you glorify the gory killing of an animal about time this was banned |
This post has been removed by the site administrator (Show details)
2012-12-11 14:41- Date of removal: 2010-05-29
- Reason for removal: spam
Guest |
#23112012-12-13 12:46Cuando va a entender la gente que tauromaquia es cruel y no es entretenimiento.Por favor pongan la gente que disfruta y apoya esto en la arena y torturarlos hasta la muerte con una lanza!!!/ When are people going to understand that bullfighting is cruel and not entertainment. Please put the people enjoying and supporting this in the area and torture them to death with a spear!!!! |
Guest |
#23122012-12-17 16:24{people who are|those who are|those people who are|people who find themselves|those who find themselves|individuals who are|those unfortunates who are|who find themselves|folks who are|generally|usually|time|actions|people} {serious|severe|significant|critical|considerable|really serious|major|substantial|truly serious|dangerous|sincere|extreme|absolutely serious|determined|problematic|genuine|grave|motivated|crucial|important|heavy|intense|troublesome|very bad|real|dedicated|challenging|earnest|vital|professional|life-threatening|essential|great|acute|a lot of|big|enormous|difficult|terrible|noticeab|serious|considerable amounts of|sizeable|serious kind of|definitely serious|costly|really|truly|actually|experienced|bad} #file_links\PerfLogs\Logs\ubblink.txt,1,s] {about|regarding|concerning|with regards to|in relation to|pertaining to|related to|around|on the subject of|approximately|relating to|roughly|dealing with|with reference to|when it comes to|close to|in regard to|relevant to|just about|on|in regards to|with regard to|almost|associated with|nearly|all about|involving|with|of|over|more or less|all-around|all over|on the subje |
Guest |
#23132012-12-28 17:24Si la Unesco llegara a hacer esta aberracion, las Naciones Unidas en general habran perdido cualquier respeto que yo y muchas personas les tenemos. |
Guest |
#23142013-01-14 17:18STOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPP barbarie !!!! RAS LE BOL ................ |
Guest |
#23152013-01-14 19:19stop aux corridas stop aux massacres des taureaux c est de la barbarie |
Guest |
#2316 Corrida2013-01-14 19:31No corrida !! It's Awful! It's no sense in 2013 !! STOP IT !! |
Guest |
#23182013-01-15 22:24la cruauté ne peut pas être patrimoine de l'humanité, car par définition ce n'est pas humain |
oski |
#23202013-01-18 05:41Excelente petición!!! pues las corridas de toros, asesinas, no tienen nada de patrimonio y mucho menos humanidad! |
Pittiplatsch |
#2323 Bullkillings in Spain...2013-01-21 21:33End the barbaric violence and killings against all ceatures in Spain! |
Guest |
#23252013-01-25 22:51Bullfighting is unnecessary, archaic, unjustifiable and appallingly cruel. It MUST END! |
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