Protect the Elham Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Protect the Elham Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty / Announcements / Keep it up! / Comments



2015-04-30 17:12

Thank you for these helpful and encouraging updates! Let us hope the Council takes notice. #SaveElhamValley



2015-04-30 18:23

How did Shepway Council give the go head to this project in the first place? Was it too remote from the centre of the area of the Council's jurisdiction for them to bother to come and see for themselves how such a permanent site would be a blot on the beautiful landscape.



2015-04-30 18:41

I have not seen any notice for this development and I drive the road every day.
If allowed this development will have a major impact on our lives, I say this through experience.
Does this place have adequate drainage for the large amount of people who will turn up. If not it will go straight into the Nailbourne river.
Why have these people been displaced from their other site. I can make an educated guess.



2015-05-10 19:27

That's wat ANOB sites are for for people to come a long for a few days and enjoy and if you look carefully it as been a camping site before a lot of residence moved there
The council as already fought this and spent many thousands of pounds I've heard
And I can see y the hard stands are in place , to create a nice dry park rather than getting stuck in the mud