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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition FACEBOOK – NO PLACE FOR GYPSY/ROMA/TRAVELLER HATE PAGES.
Guest |
#126 Re:2011-09-05 23:38 |
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2011-09-05 23:54- Date of removal: 2012-02-19
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This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2011-09-05 23:57- Date of removal: 2012-02-19
- Reason for removal:
kags |
#129 Re: Gypsy/Roma/Traveller Hate Pages2011-09-17 11:19#1: Debbie Pearson - Gypsy/Roma/Traveller Hate Pages they are all nasty aggressive people who wont live by the same laws i do. untill they change this is how they will be viewed |
Static Roma |
#130 Re: Re: Gypsy/Roma/Traveller Hate Pages2011-09-22 05:09#129: kags - Re: Gypsy/Roma/Traveller Hate Pages You have got it so very wrong Kags....... If I as a Romany said what you put all hell would break loose.... I am a 40 year old Romany.. don't like the word Gypsy.. who lives by Roma ways but has been bought up in a house... I grew up with quite abit of stick from the likes of small minded people like you were I lived but they was just ignorant, like you... I went to school, I had an education, my home/family ate well & was always clean, not like half the homes/family's of your self rightious people.... but un like your sort of people I wasn't running the streets at night having any young boy who thought they had half a chance, I was at home, were young gals belong, in a warm loving home..... being looked after by my people.. my mother & father, being taught morals & dignity. I had respect for everyone who I came incontact with because if I had of been rude, mouthy & down right un respectable my mother or father would of made me know about it & that also went for my brothers too.... What gives you the right to judge me or any of my people for that matter... you don't know me, you've never met me & who says I don't live by the laws of this land?? YOU?? I still live in the same place I grew up in, among those people, I married a Romany Man & we settled here... better the devil & all that, my children when/go to school with their children in the same school that i went to, but thankfully those people have learn't to respect my way of life, the same way I respected them all those years back.... We don't interfere with them & past judgement on them letting their children run the streets upsetting the comunity, having the police at their door all hours because of the trouble they have caused.... my children are never involved with it & their aged 18, 15 & 4 years old.... their indoors away from your sort of people... I'd say they was the 'nasty aggressive people who won't live by your laws'...... But I have also got some very good freinds were I live... they know who we are & what we are.. they except us the way we except them...... I have told by some of the women... your sort of women.. that they wishes they had my life, the bond/respect from my husband/children, the good way we as a family live.... the life of 'a nasty aggressive person' who by the way sits on the local school council....... so before you pass judgement again THINK.....& stop being so IGNORANT.....I came into this world the same way as you & I'm sorry to have to break this to you but your gona go out the same way as me!!!! |
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2011-11-20 06:10- Date of removal: 2012-02-19
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gigi |
#132 Re: gypsy2011-12-05 21:30Hear hear! Humans are so driven by fear & greed, I'm surprised we haven't killed each other off by now, sadly. We need to evolve. btw, I miss you Elja.... :\ |
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2012-01-27 22:22- Date of removal: 2012-02-19
- Reason for removal:
Guest |
#134 Re: This must include hate pages against Roma in other languages2012-02-13 13:39 |
Guest |
#135 Re: Gypsy/Roma/Traveller Hate Pages2012-02-16 18:49 |
dee dee |
#136 Re: Re: NO MORE2012-06-10 02:36#19: Guest jess smith - Re: NO MORE dear jess smith,, i am a normal person and NOT from (or with) any romany or traveller background,BUT i have always ADMIRED the travellers way of life, i am 66 yrs old and have supported the community ever since i can remember LET ME SAY THIS TO ALL OF THE racists on facebook, TAKE A HARD LOOK AT YOUR OWN LIFE with much thought and honesty THEN compare the morals and traditions of the travelling community,, YES YOU WILL FIND HOW SHALLOW the way YOU have been living your life,, FOR MYSELF I WOULD LOVE TO LIVE THE REST OF MY LIFE AS A TRAVELLER,,,, ANYONE OUT THERE IN THE TRAVELLING COMMUNITY WILLING TO ADOPT A GRANDAD that has been TREAT WITH UTTER CONTEMPT BY (NON-TRAVELLER) family YES WHEN IVE SPENT ALL OF MY MONEY ON FAMILY AND LEFT MYSELF WITH NOTHING just a basic life,, WELL THE ROMANY AND TRAVELLER COMMUNITY ( WOULD LOOK AFTER ME) THATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GYPSY COMMUNITY AND NON GYPSY COMMUNITY,,,, I WISH I HAD BEEN BORN INTO THE ROMANY OR TRAVELLER COMMUNITY, TO ALL WITHIN THE TRAVELLIMG COMMUNITY " KEEP FIGHTING FOR YOUR RIGHTS" and DONT let anyone discriminate against you,,,, LOVE TO YOU ALL XXXX |
Gypsy Djorge Gorman |
#1372012-07-25 17:15The gorgers would be shocked truth be told if they knew how many of their neighbours were of gypsy stock [travellers,gypsies,rom,etc].People in the past have hidden their identity for fear of the bigoted and racist hatred that would have been and has been directed towards them. Time to fess up people let them know we are loud and proud of the heritage and culture from whence we came.There is no place in today's society for discrimination of any kind. |
Joe |
#1382012-07-30 03:24https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=508964529119993&set=o.288777814495594&type=1&theater¬if_t=like Find someone who knows portuguese and take a look at this link. If that isn't clear cut prejudice towards Gypsies, sorry for wasting your time. |
Guest |
#139 Re: Love Thy Neighbour2013-02-19 17:56 |
Reformed gypsy |
#1402013-02-19 18:02I am a gypsy living in the southern part of Tennessee. I left my family because of the way they steal from everybody they can. I have spent the last few years going to school to move beyond what they stand for. To hate them is wrong, god says judge not lest you be judged, and if you are a hater your no better than they are. You have the choice to just steer clear of them, who knows they may not like you either. My point is that they are humans just like you, no better, no less. |
Guest |
#141 Re: Re: Re: NO MORE2013-02-19 18:04 |
emski |
#1422013-06-15 23:41Hiya am lookin for a gypsy .i dont know his nsme but i can trll u he worked on the fair in silverdsle and park hall stoke on trent.. he knows a dawn muir/harrison from silverdale.. i belive this man too br my father. I was born in 1986.am 27. Anybody with sny info please please dont hesitate too contact me .. emski2012@mail.com! Warmest regards |
emski |
#1432013-06-15 23:51I have nowt but respect for hardworking ! Gypsies! How dare any1 judge.!! Its pure racist ! Com.on tell me people ! Who is this world we share is PERFECT!????? .............. exactly ! No1 not a single sole!!. What gives any1 who wrote these vile discrimanating posts the right too judge!??? One thing i will say for the gypsey community is they stick togther!! No matter what!! We should take a leaf out of there book! Shame on u all |
emski |
#144 Re: Re: Gypsy/Roma/Traveller Hate Pages2013-06-15 23:57#129: kags - Re: Gypsy/Roma/Traveller Hate Pages They prob think the same as you love! just becuse they do things differnt does not make them lower than the rest . There hard workin. Family motivated amazing people!! Tell me have u ever met snd took the time too talk too a gypsy.. of cors u havent |
traveller and proud |
#145 Subject2013-08-28 00:04I am an irish traveller and I'm dam well proud of who I am so for some one to make a hate page towards us just because of who we are is a disgrace rascism is disgusting , what makes you think your any better than us?? Were no different just a different culture and because people don't understand us we get hate,iv been brought up to be proud of who I am I don't care how much people hate us I'm an IRISH TRAVEllER AND PROUD.. So for who ever made the hate page towards travellers,gypsies just think to yur self traveller aren't fazed by you, it takes a lot to take a traveller down and no matter what it is We've been always got right back up and this is nothing so go get a life and stop obsessing with ours!!! |
Exposing The Truth |
#1462013-10-07 01:10gypsy's are not a race. I live next door to one and they are pure filth. They are passive aggressive and try to threaten you indirect way. Do not let them bully you. The best way to deal with vermin like this is to ring the police. |
cc |
#147 travellers2013-10-18 17:14all of yee r a pack of dirty commom whores, get a life 4 ur self. country bastards |
Thank you somebody actually has a brain giipsys are the best |
#148 Re: Every humanbeen have right to bee in Peace and free.2013-11-22 10:52 |
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