Signature Campaign: Protest the Attack against Carlos the Jackal
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Turkish People The author of this petition |
#26 REVOLUTION IN VENEZUELA IS IN DANGER2011-02-19 04:54Last Sunday, August 15, was the sixteenth anniversary of Khartoum’s betrayal. It is the sixteenth anniversary of my kidnapping to France by being put into a French plane by Sudan security forces from Khartoum International Airport in the capital city of Sudan. Although our great historical leader as the President of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Commander Hugo Chavez, who is following the way Simon Bolivar paved 200 years ago and is maintaining the Bolivarian political line of unifying the Latin American people that were actually unified despite their separation into different states, got involved in this issue, his efforts didn’t work. And, I was brought to France through illegal ways. There isn’t a legal basis for their keeping me here. I was brought to France without completing the legal proceedings of deportation. First of all, there is no extradition treaty between France and Sudan. And, there was no subject for which France could try me. After these things, I was tried on the accusation of shooting dead two French agents and a Lebanese informer working as a double agent. Anyway, while this lawless imprisonment was going on, Chavez came to France in January, 1999 and had conversations with the authorities about me. He met with French president Jacques Chirac and my lawyers. Chirac told Chavez that after the legal procedure was over, I would be sent to Venezuela. It was 1999, and today over 11 years have passed. The same things were negotiated with France’s new president Nicolas Sarkozy. And, he also said “Of course, the issue of Carlos is okay”. Finally, Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) was sent here as a mediator by Chavez, and Abbas only asked my conditions in prison to be improved. However, under what kind of conditions I live is a secondary issue. And, these conditions are not changing at all. The primary issue is why I am kept in prison. In short, there are only talks, no actions. The reason behind not acting but just talking is significant as it shows Venezuela's current critical situation. Because, now, Venezuela has been occupied by opportunists and corrupt people. Even though there are a few honest people in power, on every level of bureaucracy, there are so many people who are not interested in socialism, far from patriotism, do not know anything about real anti-imperialism, deal only with finding a good job and making money and trying to survive during this regime. What all these people worry about is not annoying the USA and American agents that control the economy and are not a few in Venezuela. If Chavez goes as they hope, their aim is to be able to say to these groups they don't want to annoy: "look, we aren't revolutionary, and we have been always against them". Therefore, the “issue of Carlos” has a symbolic value for them. Every kind of sabotage against “Guerilla Commander Carlos” and setting him free, is one of the greatest symbols of loyalty to the zionists and imperialists who see the "Carlos myth" as a threat. That is why my judicial defense is sabotaged by these Venezuelan opportunists, the doors of Venezuelan embassy are closed for me, my right to vote is prevented by the elements settled in Venezuelan foreign affairs bureaucracy. |
Turkish People The author of this petition |
#27 WHY IS ‘OUR MAN’ TALABANI NOT TRIED?2011-02-19 04:56Iraqi president Talabani was working with us for PFLP in the past in Europe while we were making operations in early 1970s in France. Yes, Talabani was together with us and he was our political representative in France. However, while I’m in this prison, Talabani who was also responsible for our operations is now living in a palace. They granted him a palace. Why? Because, he collaborated with imperialists, invaders and colonialists. He had an Egyptian diplomatic passport. We were using him in Paris. French police knows that, but now he is welcomed as the “great president”. In return for what? |
Turkish People The author of this petition |
#28 COLOMBIA’S NARCO-TERRORISTS AND FARC2011-02-19 04:57The second tour of Colombian presidential elections has been completed recently and Juan Manuel Santos who was the Minister of Defence in the period of the previous president Alvaro Uribe has been elected as the new president. Juan Manuel Santos is from “Santos” family, in other words, oligarchic family that are settled in Bogota, originally Spanish, white, deep rooted, influential and rightist. One of the elders of the family, Eduardo Santos, had been the president in late 1930s (1938-1942) and founded the most important newspaper of that period of Colombia, El Tiempo, which was a conservatist newspaper. The new president has a characteristic that deviated from his family traditions. What I mean is that he has a political attitude which turns towards where the wind blows through: sometimes rightist, sometimes leftist, and then rightist again. One thing that never changes is that he is an active element of a corrupt structure. Furthermore, he was the direct responsible for the murder of Commander Raul Reyes, who was FARC’s foreign relations consultant and political spokesman, during an air attack mounted by Colombian and American air forces against Equador at the period of his Defense Ministry. In short, an outlaw has become a president. Colombia has another significance for me personally. My grandfather, that is, my mother’s father lives in the border area of Colombia. Therefore, we went to Colombia every year in my youth, and we did shopping there since it was cheap. I had extremely brave and serious Colombian comrades there. You cannot imagine how brave the Colombian communist guerillas were, who came to the east of Venezualla to fight voluntarily in early 1960s. We, the Venezuelan communists were all coming from colleges, but those Colombian comrades were originally from villages and better than us. Moreover, they were real communists in terms of ideological formation. Their parents and the parents of their parents were guerillas, too. Therefore, this ideological structure inherited as a family tradition had enabled them to have a certain level of cultural formation on Marxist classics. They were so disciplined and organized whereas we, Venezuelans, did not have those characteristics. Anyway, the revolutionary struggle will go on in Columbia, and these narco-terrorists and puppets of America will be defeated. And, I hope we and all the world will see Commander Salih Mirzabeyoglu coming to power in Turkey with the support of the masses. |
Turkish People The author of this petition |
#29 THE BOOK IN PRESIDENT CHAVEZ’S HAND2011-02-19 04:57Commander Salih Mirzabeyoglu’s work titled “The State of Basyucelik –New World Order-“ is a very interesting book that has to be read carefully. It is not possible to read it just in an hour. It has to be analyzed like you study a lesson. By the way, I have good news which was confirmed from Caracas, the capital city of Venezuela: President Chavez has got Commander Salih Mirzabeyoglu’s work, that is, “The State of Basyucelik –New World Order-“. It is in the hand of the President now. Maybe, this is not that interesting for the world yet, but a very significant development showing what kind of upper levels we have reached. |
Turkish People The author of this petition |
#30 EGYPT WILL EXPLODE2011-02-19 04:58I will tell you something. The Egyptian regime is going to pay a very very heavy price for the role they played about Gaza. I think, when President Mubarak has disappeared –his health isn’t good and his time is short now-, the regime will completely lose any kind of its historical stickability. Don’t forget that Mubarak was a war hero. He was a Nassirite, an Arab nationalist, so all this will be lost then. Therefore, maybe, they will try to bring some open-minded people from the West, for example, the former director of the Atomic Energy Organization. They are going to bring him back to Egypt to be elected as president. By the way, he is a good man; not a revolutionary but a decent man, you know, an honest man, not an agent as well. But the idea why the West supports this man is following: They, the West, are afraid that there will be a revolutionary explosion and a civil war in Egypt. If this happens, I mean the army, don’t forget that the army is a popular army. Of course, I’m talking about the soldiers. (Translated from Turkish to English by Sule Koman.) |
D. M. Guest |
#31 inhumane action against Carlos2011-02-19 13:50In addition to this formal fix letter, I do not accept Carlos' life style either preferences to struggle the unfair systems. I do not support violated actions. I am against to violation even if it was appeared to a terrorist prisoner because of some politic reasons. This action is inhumane! |
#32 Responsible ones must be punished2011-02-19 13:54Whoever the responsible ones of this torture are must be punished immediately |
#33 THE ATTACK AGAINST ILICH RAMIREZ SANCHEZ (CARLOS THE JACKAL2011-02-19 17:181. Ilich Ramirez Sanchez (Carlos the Jackal), who dedicated all his life to the struggle against the imperialist and zionist attacks and raises the banner of “Palestine, one, indivisible from Jordan to the Mediterranean” from his cell in the French Prison of Poissy and demonstrates that the struggle should go on under any circumstances and underlines that all the opressed people around the world should take over their historical mission in the world arena, was attacked in prison on February 1, 2011 by the French Republican Guards in charge of protecting the French Presidential Palace. 2. Without having such a duty or authority and by eliminating the authorized personnel in prison, that the Republican Guards handcuffed Carlos in a small room and made him completely naked and repeatedly hit his head against the walls and punched him in the head and threw him against the walls and took him to court just allowing only a t-shirt along with his underwear in spite of the freezing winter conditions below zero and tried to humiliate Carlos by exposing him like that before public and so on, all these bad treatments deeply hurt conscience of humanity. 3. The torture commited against Carlos has been actually commited against all humanity. 4. That torture, at the same time, will be recorded in the French history of struggle for human rights as a black page. 5. On the other hand, if we take that the torture was openly commited in prison and before the prison personnel by the Republican Guards in their own uniforms into consideration, it is obvious that all these lawless and immoral attitudes and behaviours have been carried out under the cognizance and direct guidance of French Government. 6. French Government is publicly defying the whole world just as in the case of Carlos by arrogantly perpetrating such lawlessness which is considered as a definite crime according to both domestic and international law. 7. Before all else, French people and French authorities have to take urgent action to punish those who dishonoured French history and society. 8. Besides, the State of France has to apologize to Venezuelan State and people, especially to French people, and to all the world, to begin with Carlos who faced such cruelty. 9. Carlos is not alone! By whoever and wherever such cruelty is commited, conscientious people that are against cruels and cruelty all over the world will persist in struggling against it. |
Seyfeddin Keser Guest |
#34 Selam2011-02-20 01:15Çakal Carlos'a yapılan işkence kabul edilemez sorumlular bir an evvel cezalandırılmalıdır. |
The Message in English |
#35 Re: Selam2011-02-20 01:29The torture commited against Carlos is unacceptable. The ones guilty of that must be punished at once. |
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2011-02-20 06:40- Date of removal: 2011-02-20
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Yenal Kullap Guest |
#37 Çakal Carlos'a yapılan işkence kabul edilemez sorumlular bir an evvel cezalandırılmalıdır.2011-02-20 06:42Çakal Carlos'a yapılan işkence kabul edilemez sorumlular bir an evvel cezalandırılmalıdır. |
Laszlo Janosne Horvath Guest |
#39 THE ATTACK AGAINST ILICH RAMIREZ SANCHEZ2011-02-21 12:31Please will be friend of civil liberties. |
The Message in Turkish |
#40 Re: THE ATTACK AGAINST ILICH RAMIREZ SANCHEZ2011-02-21 13:03#39: Laszlo Janosne Horvath - THE ATTACK AGAINST ILICH RAMIREZ SANCHEZ Lütfen sivil özgürlüklere dost olalım. |
Mehmet Sahin Guest |
#42 ILICH RAMIREZ SANCHEZ’E (ÇAKAL CARLOS) YAPILAN SALDIRI!!!..2011-02-22 23:10Fransa`ya Yakismayan Bu Saldiriyi; Protesto Ediyorum !!!... |
The Message in English |
#43 Re: ILICH RAMIREZ SANCHEZ’E (ÇAKAL CARLOS) YAPILAN SALDIRI!!!..2011-02-22 23:15#42: Mehmet Sahin - ILICH RAMIREZ SANCHEZ’E (ÇAKAL CARLOS) YAPILAN SALDIRI!!!.. I protest this attack that doesn't befit France! |
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2011-02-22 23:20- Date of removal: 2011-02-23
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This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2011-02-22 23:23- Date of removal: 2011-02-23
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A fellow Venezuelan |
#46 Funny2011-02-23 02:58Isn't it funny how these terrorists invoke the protection of the law and ask for the mercy of the system they once try to overthrow through violence and murder? Carlos, if indeed this is you, you deserve every bit of torture, mistreatment and whatever evil happens to you. I hope you live a long life in that rat hole where you are rotting little by little every day. A fellow Venezuelan. |
The Message in Turkish |
#47 Re: Funny2011-02-23 03:06#46: A fellow Venezuelan - Funny Bu teröristlerin bir zamanlar şiddet ve cinayet yoluyla yıkmaya çalıştıkları sistemden af dilemeleri ve kanun koruması taleb etmeleri tuhaf değil mi? Carlos, eğer bu gerçekten sensen, işkenceyi, kötü muameleyi ve başına gelebilecek kötü herşeyi sonuna kadar hakediyorsun. Umarım o sıçan deliğinde her gün biraz daha çürüyerek çok uzun bir hayat sürersin. Venezüellalı bir dost. |
Turkish People Guest |
#48 Not funny!2011-02-23 21:49No sir, not funny. By the way, isn't it funny for the so-called western "civilization" to have slaughtered hundreds of millions of people they have come across since so-called "civilized" West emerged in history. Can you tell me how many people those "terrorists" killed? Only a few compared to the ones ruling the world today and to the ancestors of those! Who are the "real" terrorists then? You should have been proud of Carlos due to the fact that he has never been on these mass killers' side. What a pity. The Message in Turkish: Hayır, bayım. Hiç de tuhaf değil. Yeri gelmişken, sözde "medenî" Batının tarih sahnesine çıktığı andan tibaren karşısına çıkan yüzmilyonlarca insanı kıyımdan geçirmesi değil midir asıl tuhaf olan? Sözünü ettiğiniz "teröristler" kaç kişiyi öldürdü acaba, söyleyebilir misiniz? Bugün dünyayı yönetenlerin ve onların atalarınınkine nazaran çok çok az! Kimdir "gerçek" terörist o halde? Carlos'un hayatında hiçbir zaman bu kitle katillerinin tarafında saf tutmamış olmasından dolayı gurur duymalıydınız. Yazık. |
A fellow Venezuelan |
#49 The wonders of moral relativism2011-02-24 04:27Ah! The wonders of moral relativism! You killed one thousand but I killed five hundred thus, I am better or more deserving of forgiveness than you are. Sorry pal, it doesn't work that way for me. Those Western governments -together with the Eastern ones as well- that have killed scores of people for ideological or power-hunger reasons are as guilty as your Carlos regardless of the scale of the killing. If you find solace in defending a murderer because he killed **just a few** well, I pity you. Perhaps you should ask what the parents, spouses and children of those that your Carlos killed in cold blood think of him. I don't care about your rationalizations for murder. I still think that your Carlos deserves what he is getting and if he is being abused and tortured while in prison then all the better. As far as I am concerned he lost his right to ask for a humane treatment the moment he stop treating others in a humane way. |
The Message in Turkish |
#50 Re: The wonders of moral relativism2011-02-24 13:05#49: A fellow Venezuelan - The wonders of moral relativism Ah! Ahlâkî izafîliğin harikaları! Sen bin kişiyi öldürdün fakat ben beş yüz kişiyi. Demek ki ben daha iyi yahud affedilmeyi daha çok hakeden biriyim. Üzgünüm dostum, bu tarz bir izah bende işlemiyor. İdeolojik veya iktidar hırsından kaynaklanan sebeblerle bir sürü insanı öldüren Batı hükümetleri -buna Doğu hükümetleri de dahil tabiî-, kaç kişiyi öldürdüğü meselesinden bağımsız olarak senin Carlos'un kadar suçludur. Şayet bir katili "sadece üç beş kişi" öldürdüğünden dolayı savunmakta bir teselli buluyorsan, sana acırım. Belki de senin o soğuk kanlı Carlos'unun öldürdüklerinin anababalarına, eşlerine ve çocuklarına sormalısın bunu. Senin cinayeti makûl kılmalarına aldırmıyorum. Ben hâlâ senin Carlos'unun karşılaştığı şeyleri hakettiğini ve eğer cezaevinde kötü muamele ve işkenceye uğramışsa bunun çok daha iyi olduğunu düşünüyorum. Beni ilgilendirdiği kadarıyla, başkalarına insanca muamele etmeyi bıraktığı ândan itibaren, insanca bir muamele taleb etme hakkını kaybetti o.
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