

2015-05-28 02:33

I grew up in Oakland, and first saw The Raiders at Frank Youell Field. I was a season ticket holder during the glory years, and attended Super Bowl XI. The Raiders ARE Oakland, and ALWAYS will be!



2015-05-28 12:22

Because I want our Raiders to stay home, we don't want to go through what happened the first time they moved. Oakland just needs to give the land to our 3 Oakland teams #Raiders#A's#Warriors#ForeverOakland#stayinOakland.



2015-05-28 14:00

I grew up in Central California and have been a devoted Raiders fan since I was 8. They don't belong anywhere but Oakland, they are the Oakland Raiders and our fan base loves our team. We are devoted and loyal through goid and bad, we never leave the stadium until the clock runs all of the way out, we don't boo our own players when things are rough. ... we hold our heads high and say Raiders until the day I die



2015-05-28 16:24

I have been a Raiders fan for fifty plus years. I would like to see the Raiders stay in Oakland. I was born and raised in the Bay Area and wish to see my beloved team stay in their birthplace.



2015-05-28 19:45

something I do not understand at all and if anybody has the answer please clue me in here.

It was my understanding from zennie and especially when Floyd kephart backed him up on this,that contrary to what the media has been reporting the last year,that money has never been the issue.That the politics between the city and county is what was always holding the deal up.well recently it was reported that they finally got on the same page with each other after years of squabbeling never agreeing.

well if that's the case and they do indeed have a billionaire investor as kephart said,then WHY are we hearing they are 400 million apart? money should not be a problem here if they have a billionaire investor.what am I missing here? please someone fill me in here cause I am confused as hell now.



2015-05-28 21:13

I think this would be a great idea.



2015-06-02 14:49

Keep the RAIDERS in Oakland!!



2015-06-04 00:34

I think this is a great idea and I think it could really benefit us the fans and our OAKLAND RAIDERS to stay in OAKLAND



2015-07-02 05:29

Raiders belong in Oakland.



2015-07-02 06:17

I'm a die hard raider fan and I want them to stay in Oakland were they belong...Lets do this raider nation



2015-07-02 06:32

I think it is an excellent way to raise money and show our love of the Raiders.



2015-07-02 06:50

Great idea



2015-07-02 07:43

Because I love the Oakland Raiders, and I want them to stay in Oakland!



2015-07-02 08:08

Raider Nation Baby!!!



2015-07-02 14:20

Only Raider Nation could pull this off. Come and show the world and everyone how Raider Nation pulls together to make things happen!!



2015-07-02 15:21




2015-07-02 15:23

This is my team and I don't want to see then share a stadium with the chargers. I dream of going to a Raiders game in Oakland one day and would love to be able to take my daughter and show her my name on a brick etched in the history of the greatest franchise in the history of sports. Carr, Mack, and Cooper will lead us back to the top!! RAIDER NATION FOR LIFE



2015-07-02 15:43

I love my Raiders, anything to keep them here in Oakland



2015-07-02 15:55

Just win baby!



2015-07-02 17:05

Raiders belong in Oakland forever our history and roots are in Oakland



2015-07-02 17:07

Stay in Oakland!



2015-07-02 17:25

Because I want to help in any way I can to ensure that the Raiders stay in Oakland so that my children can grow up going to games and raise their children to do the same. Sometimes it's not about money, sometimes like in my family it's about tradition and life and love for the Raider nation.



2015-07-02 17:36

Just trying to do my part in being able to keep RAIDERS in Oakland.



2015-07-02 17:36

This is a great idea.. I absoluty love it...



2015-07-02 18:00

Oakland Raiders need to stay in Oakland. It will bring jobs and help grow the economy in Oakland. Also, The Oakland Athletic's need to stay in Oakland!