We want to travel with our 8/9 weeks old pedigree-puppies
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition We want to travel with our 8/9 weeks old pedigree-puppies.
#101 Re:2015-01-18 15:57Best guest, A breeder can sure socialize a puppy but there are quite a lot of breeders who work and take their holidays to raise a litter so they can not stay at home for more than 4 months ! In my opinion that are the best breerders and not the one who do not care and put the puppies in kennels for the rest of the period they have to stay. And in my personnel situation, almost all my puppies have been sold the last 5 years to foreign countries and they start leaving form 8/9 weeks to be socialised by their new owners. Yes, I also can socialise a puppy but not 6 or 7 and when I keep a puppy myself I want to do that with my own puppy !! When there are so many puppies staying it's also impossible to keep them in my llivingroom so the have to be in a kennel which is NOT ideal and I live in a rural area so I never can prepare a puppy for living in a big city ! Also a 'probem' with older puppies, they stop playing but start to fight and I want to deliver puppies to their new owners without holes in their skin. |
AS |
#1032015-01-18 16:01I really do hope these signatures make a difference! And SOON!!!! Does anyone know if they will be presented and to whom? and what is the min amount needed? |
#104 Re:2015-01-18 16:03Tu as bien raison, l'excuse c'est que la rage est un zoönose et qu'ils veulent arrèter les importations des chiots d'usine. Bien pour tous les pays la possibilité de demander une 'permis d'import quand on veut achèter un chiot d'un autre pays. Très simple et pas de trafic d'une dizaine de chiots en mème temps.... |
Guest |
#1052015-01-19 07:08I cuccioli hanno bisogno di entrare in una famiglia prima di tre mesi |
This post has been removed by the author of this petition (Show details)
2015-01-19 20:17- Date of removal: 2015-01-20
- Reason for removal: Not a serious reaction
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#1082015-01-19 21:48Waarom zo een belachelijke nieuwe regel, wij wonen in België en hebben onze Airedale terriër ook in Nederland gekocht, nu willen we een Tibetaanse terriër kopen in Nederland en kan dit plots niet meer!! Als toegewijd hondenbaasje zorg je toch voor alle inentingen van je hond, niet? Dit is echt niet de manier om illegale handel in honden aan banden te leggen, het is eerder een straf om eerlijke het moeilijk te maken!!! |
Guest |
#1092015-01-20 02:51This is an issue that has spread across Europe and the United States recently: the laws are now saying that puppies cannot travel until after they receive their rabies vaccination, which means that the puppy will be appx 16 weeks before they can travel in any way - including being shipped to a new home in another country. This is a HUGE hurdle for breeders and puppy owners, as it severely limits the amount of bonding and socialization a new owner can perform with their new puppy. Owners will now be relying on breeders to hold the pups until 15 or 16 weeks and provide proper training and socialization for each puppy in the breeder's care before sending it to their new home. That is a LOT for a breeder to take on, especially with big litters where most puppies will be shipped to a different country. This law was designed to target puppy mills and backyard breeders who ship puppies all over when they are underage so they can be resold at pet stores, but the people and dogs who will be MOST affected are the responsible breeders and puppy owners who are trying to do right by their dogs. |
Guest |
#1102015-01-21 06:10Good idea! It is unreasonable for families to wait until 16 weeks to get their puppy! The puppies need socialization to have a happy life! |
Guest |
#113 Re:2015-01-22 08:22no, it is not. Legal breeders will stop breeding because they are hindered in selling the puppies abroad and keeping the breed alive. Puppy mills and illegal breeders will simply not bother and keep smuggling puppies, as they already do. So the honest and responsible breeder and buyer is punished, not the criminal. |
Guest |
#1152015-01-24 16:42I also want be able to import and export puppies I have bred. How much immunity do puppies have from their mothers for Rabies and until what age? Micro-chipping is kinder when the puppy is older (even beyond 12 weeks) Will puppies less than 12 weeks need micro-chips when travelling?? |
aja aja |
#116 Re: Re:2015-01-24 16:51I totally agree with this post. I recently relocated to France but visit home with my dogs frequently. There is more market for good responsible homes in the UK. My options are to be without my bitch whilst she rears them for 3 months in the UK (asking a lot from a friend) or wait for the puppies to be Past Best By Date! Puppies really do need to leave their birth home and start their life at 7/8 weeks with greater indiviual attention than abreeder can possibly give them. They still sleep at random times so fitting in training to a daily routine is very hard with possibly 10 pups. |
Guest |
#1172015-01-25 10:45Its very importent to get your pup at 9 weeks so you can sociolise with the pup. The first weeks they learn the most and 15 weeks its to late. A lot of people will get a pup who hasn't socioliset. What will happen with the pups then????? |
Guest |
#1182015-01-26 23:17It is very important that a puppy gets to enjoy his/her socialization period with the intended new family. |
Guest |
#119 Re: Re: Re:2015-01-28 11:00ther are breaders that stop becaus this isn't to do for them |
Guest |
#1202015-01-28 12:51The most important time is to get a pedigree- puppy with 8/9 weeks. So we hope the rules will soon be changed so that the litters and owners can work together and important that the litters can be coached early in their life!!!! The breeders dotn't have time enough with their older dogs, the mum and their litters, liiters must be coached one tot one!!! So please return the rules!!! |
Guest |
#1212015-01-29 10:21Because I want to take my puppy in 8 weeks age from breeder abroad. |
Guest |
#1222015-01-29 22:12I recently suffered from exactly this situation, bringing in a pedigree Malinois. He is fine because his breeder socilaised him brilliantly. But it would have been much better for both of us If I could have brought him in at eight weeks, as I did my previous pup. There must be a way to discriminate between registered, respectable breeders and puppy farmers! |
Guest |
#1232015-02-02 03:46This has got to be the MOST damaging rule EVER invented for purebred puppies. The gene pool will severely suffer, the buyers, the pupies, the breeders - ALL of us. nobody will win here. It is just paranoia that gets you every time. Please un-do this bad decision. Cindy at Seelowen Leonbergers |
Guest |
#125 IMPORTANT TIME IN A DOGS LIFE2015-02-09 09:56Puppies need socialization MOST between 8 and 14 weeks of age... so they grow up to be GOOD decent socailly respectable animals. This law is bad for puppies in every way!! Its not about how long the puppy is with the breeder.... at least 8 weeks with the breeder I can understand, is a good goal! In the first 8 weeks the puppies learn from their dam, and their breeder. But keeping it with its littermates and breeder for over 12 weeks is REALLY not good for the puppys ability to live a good life, to become a family member. Socialization with their new family should start between 8 and 10 weeks of age. Socialization with their new surroundings! Responsible breeders place puppies between 8 and 12 weeks for good reasons! Please reconsider this silly law! I have imported dogs from the EU to Alaska since 1991! (only a few over the years) My foundation bitch travelled by Ferry and Train, Plane and car with me, before she got home to Alaska. She dd well, and was impeccably trained by me during this time. She did not spread any disease. She was a well bred bernese Mountian dog. I dont think those responsible for the law have any idea what they are doing here. At least consider it ok for puppies to travel WITH their owners... at a much more approrpriate age..
8 weeks is a better cut off... at 8 weeks of age puppies are ready to start meeting their families!! I have raised dogs since 1989. Please reconsider your law! And I dont want to do rabies before the pup is 16 weeks old EVER!!
Amy Christiansen Homer Alaska |
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