Right to use sign language in educational programmes
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Miguel Ferre Guest |
#8272010-11-23 17:26La lengua de signos es un derecho al que puede optar quien quiera, jamas debe prohibirse. Gracias por la iniciativa. |
Siddharth Gautam Guest |
#828 The Deaf Way Foundation, New Delhi2010-11-24 08:12I want study the law for deaf. i want about developement for deaf knowledge more. Point Interpreter sign language. study, qualification, teacher, technology (information and technology) |
#831 Derecho a utilizar la lengua de signos en los programas educativos2010-11-24 19:23Todo niño sordo, cualquiera que sea el nivel de su perdida auditiva, debe tener derecho a crecer bilingüe. Conociendo y usando la lengua de signos y la lengua oral (en su modalidad escrita y, cuando sea posible, en su modalidad hablada) el niño alcanzará un completo desarrollo de sus capacidades cognitivas, lingüísticas y sociales. |
Williane Virginia Guest |
#835 Right to use sign language in educational programmes2010-11-26 02:11Most important is a word RESPECT OF DEAF COMMUNITY. NOTHING MORE COMPLICATED! HUMAN HAS A RIGHT THEN RIGHT AND MAY ALSO DEAF AWARENESS. THANK YOU, I'M FROM BRAZIL. BYE! |
Shadrach Chuba-Uzo Guest |
#836 Use of Language of Choice is a Human Right2010-11-26 08:04Every language has its root in a culture. To denounce a people's language is to denounce their culture, and this amounts to racism. According to Emperor Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia, untill the philosophy which holds one race superior and another, inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, the world will not know peace". People who denounce the sign language of any nation are simply ignorant, and should hide their faces in shame. We are living in the 21st century - an age of renaissance for the deaf and all. Only primitivity masked in civilisation can underly any attempt to dumb the cultural identity of the deaf in any country. |
Guest |
#837 continuate a firmare2010-11-27 00:42salve a tutti ho visto il risultato hanno firmato soli 7597 sono pochissimi!! non so quanto sordi vivono nel mondo forse più 1 milione non so sia il preciso cosa fate?? firmate la petizione? Perché no? e daii continuate a firmate |
Eligio Gonzalez Guest |
#838 With the world2010-11-28 11:14Randomly stumbled On that site tryin to Enter myself in a mission to get some free superbowl tickets and decided to sign your petition for The Deaf in the entire world.. |
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2010-11-28 15:10- Date of removal: 2010-11-28
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Guest |
#841 lis2010-11-29 14:47Voglio al più presto che venga riconosciuta la lis nelle scuole dall asilo all'università e speriamo con la petizione si sblocchi qualcosa grazie forza forza firmate per favore ciaoooo |
John Paulo S. Trinidad` Guest |
#842 Children with Disability2010-11-29 15:21Important Children with Disability involve the Deaf Children Community. Goals: 1. Protect the communication: Speech and Slaving the language as speaking with children. 2. Education has own language in the Country and local. 3. Helping the deaf abused in our institute and non-government. 4. Helping Deaf children growing the education had right sign language. Don't make sensitive language through speech and speak. Don't be oppressed deaf children. 5. Teach deaf children had involve victims/abused/etc. a. teach sign language for hearing judge in the Philippines. b. teach personality and education safety. If you will comments. Sorry not skills English. |
Marianne Kollinger Guest |
#843 Linguistic human rights of sign language users2010-11-29 18:34I fully stand behind the petition concerning the right to use sign language in educational programmes and do hope it will be successful. I'm writing a thesis and follow all the informations on this subject with great interest. |
Miriam Fdez. (Spain) Guest |
#848 Situación en España2010-12-05 14:08En España disponemos de la Ley 27/2007, de 23 de octubre, por la que se reconocen las lenguas de signos españolas y se regulan los medios de apoyo a la comunicación oral de las personas sordas, con discapacidad auditiva y sordociegas; sin embargo, su desarrollo está paralizado, dependiendo únicamente de voluntades de diferentes Comunidades Autónomas, Consejerías y Departamentos de Educación, y de los propios centros educativos. Esto supone enormes desigualdades y oportunidades en la educación de los niños sordos. Demasiada burocracia para poder garantizar el reconocimiento y uso de la lengua de signos. |
musherefa temam Guest |
#849 sign language and deaf culture2010-12-06 13:44i want to learn in sign language |
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