Animaritime should have a "No cosplay hate" rule for next year.

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Animaritime should have a "No cosplay hate" rule for next year..



2014-06-30 13:56

I'd like to apologize for anyone that was bullied at this year's convention. If you're a new attendee, read the rules before coming and if you dislike someone's costume, keep it to yourself and don't be rude. It's unnecessary and completely unwelcome. We go to this convention to enjoy ourselves and not worry about such things. If you've been going for a year or more now, you should have known far better than to say or do some of the unfortunate things that happened. Please be more respectful if you attend the convention. Having opinions is completely fine but being a jerk is not. I may not have been bullied myself but it's extremely disappointing to hear how rude some people were to other convention attendees that were just there to enjoy themselves.

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2014-06-30 14:00



2014-06-30 14:14

This is a great idea to have this petition up because going to Animaritime's has helped me become more open and I'm upset hearing that people make such rude comments to Cosplayer's that might have not a lot of money to spend on their costumes and those that just want to dress how they want for fun.



2014-06-30 14:24

I know that for myself, I saw each and every costume as a amazing amount of love and dedication. It saddens me to hear that there are some rotten apples in the group spoiling the fun for everyone; because in context of it all, isn't that what Animaritimes is all about?


2014-06-30 15:24

Animaritime has a VERY strict bullying policy in place and the staff were warned to not only take every complaint very seriously, but to keep an eye out for any bullying and intervene immediately if it looked like someone was possibly being bullying.

Staff saw/heard zero complaints, other than 2-3 vague facebook posts hours later. All attendees wear name badges so problem attendees can be identified, and staff can easily be reached as they are constantly patrolling and are stationed permanently in some areas. PLEASE take advantage of our policies if you feel you are being bullied!