Fee Concession



Problem: There is a big problem with our education system. And that problem is fees. Even though the mode of education has been shifted online but still IIHM is charging fees for the whole year including that for facilities that student is not using. Given the financial stress because of the pandemic, this situation is causing a huge burden on students and their parents. Moreover, they are conducting online food demo classes in which every student must bear their own expenses while making the dish. Our major chunk of the fee goes for our practical's and that is what we are not doing. We are at home and not using any facility of the college, rather spending our own money on Internet, Grocery, Gas, Electricity, and other expenses. Whereas the college saving it all.


Under RTI (Right to Information): Under Article 19 of our honourable Constitution, we have the right to information, the college has many a times ignored them. The fees division of the college is not mentioned anywhere, also even being asked about it students got no reply back from the college. We also were told that the college is recognized by UGC but hearing news makes the students depressed.


Steps Taken:

1.Mailing the College: We mailed the college about the Fee Concession and regarding the other issues the Pandemic has brought with it. But the College gave a negative response to it.

The points mentioned in the mail by the students were stated clearly, and them being:

· The physical practical's that are necessary for the in-depth understanding of the degree was not conducted.

· The physical resources of the college weren't put on use, but the students were charged for the same.

· The internship period was reduced significantly and the IET opportunities college had promised during the admission were scarce.

· The students did not receive the uniforms and only received 2 books.

· Ultimately students asked for a fee concession as our major chunk of our fee goes to practical's, which are not conducted.


In these times when the other colleges are understanding the need of the hour, IIHM replied with a mail, stating all they have done:

·   Books have been sent to the student in both printed and eBook formats.

Issue: The college at the time of the admission claimed that we here at the college don't practice old book learning methods, but now they contradict themselves by saying, "We have provided you the books". The main question here is, are we in a Hospitality college which requires practical skills to study from the books and the PPT's is this what we are paying lakhs for?

·   Various Digital Certificate courses have been provided to the students.

Issue: Bakery Course, Design and cost menu, Develop and Implement a Business Plan, and Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Awareness and some other courses as well are some of the courses given by college in different campuses. (Note: As, per the data collected from the students.) Also, these programmes mentioned can be accessed through any online E-learning platform as low as Rs.500-1000. Also, the concern rises here when not every campus got this facility. Moreover, Do these course cost Lakhs per Student? (As college states it as an expense.)

·   Lecture Session have been provided by the college with various guests, stating all the extra cost have been borne by the college.

Issue: The issue here is, where those lectures, or just a Publicity Stunt? Just because the college rather than having an interaction with the students gave them a one-way Lecture. The sessions conducted were based on PAN INDIA which means no chance of students getting an opportunity to ask any of the questions freely. And to the Publicity Stunt of the College, the social media handles of the college are proof to itself. Even the students were made to share it on social media and were made a part of college publicity. This is all that they do with 1st years. Under the RTI (Right To Information) the students were not told about it and used it as a study module to advertise the college. Moreover, the words used in the mail were all manipulative and had no words related to the fee concession.

·   Uniforms will be provided to the students.

Issue: The main issue here is, do we wear those at home? The Year is about to end, and they would change the uniform again. But this all is a stunt to show the money is being spent. Why spend money on the uniform if we are not coming to the college.

·   Extended the dates to submit the fees.

Issue: Our main concern was the fee concession, not the extra time or the payment of the fees. IIHM was not able to mention any concession in the mail. To which the students were not happy.

·   Vaccination.

Issue: The issue here is the government is already giving free vaccines to the people, they may get vaccinated there. It is none other than but a Publicity Stunt.


Ultimately: The college explained how the online classes are a lot better than the practical classes themselves. Or do we say better for college, saving money on Electricity, Grocery, Travel, etc. And then stating the justification of the e-books and the pdf's students get. And are of no use to us in the practical world. This is what we joined college for.



2. Forming an online community: After every unsuccessful try students formed an online forum to raise their voice against the college. But got no response back but a meet with the Director of the IIHM Bangalore campus also did not receive a response from any other campus.  The students there were tried to be manipulated, the students were not allowed to speak as usual. The Students were kept on mute and the once raising valid points were suppressed.



Our Demands:

1. Students are agreed to pay 50% of the fees as because of the pandemic we have not used any equipment, electricity grocery and other resources of the college. The college has also not conducted any fest or cultural programmes and there is an additional fee for it.

2. Demanding the full fees is unjustified because college is saving more than the percentage we are demanding for.

3. As we have paid the full fees for the year 2020-2021 and that amount has also been sent to their treasury. If possible, please give some rebate from earlier paid fees also.

4. College should give a 100% placement guarantee to the students because hotel management is a practical course, and we are not getting any practical experience. And the college guaranteed 100% placements of the students in the Industry.


Requested By: IIHM Student Forum

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