Protect the Elham Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

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It's working!

2015-04-29 20:40:33

The petition has only been up and running for 24 hours and we have nearly 250 signatures.  Moreover, Shepway District Council are now sitting up and taking notice.  They have just sent out an email (at 21.19!) explaining that they are working hard to ensure that residents concerns are addressed and have said: 

"the Council is aware that the site is sensitive and subject to a great deal of local concern. As a result the council is giving a high priority to investigating the concerns raised by the parish council and local residents and the site continues to be monitored and contact maintained with the relevant authorities. The council is currently assessing what actions are available to deal with the concerns that have been raised."

This is a significant movement on the part of SDC, who previously said nothing much needed to be done.   This is all down to the lobbying and pressure we are exerting.  Keep up the good work.  It's going to be a long haul but we can do it.  Thank you everyone.


Elham Valley Residents

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