Kyiv Declaration of Security

     Taking into account the historical experience of Russia's use of military aggression, as the main tool of pressure on its neighbors and its own population, as well as nuclear blackmail in relation to the world community, as a guarantee of its impunity, I appeal to the authorities of the Russian Federation with a proposal to voluntarily abandon nuclear weapons. I believe that this refusal should be the primary condition for the lifting of international sanctions against the Russian Federation in response to its military aggression against Ukraine.

     I perceive the presence of nuclear weapons in the Russian Federation as a key factor contributing to the criminal dictatorship led by the security forces - the main historical form of the state system, which threatens the security and prosperity of other countries and nations.

     I understand that my signature is a form of support for Ukraine both in its resistance to the nuclear aggressor and in the period of its recovery after the war.

     I urge all nations to determine their attitude towards the authorities, organizations, and citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as to assess their legal status on the basis of a public position on the issues of the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the voluntary abandonment of nuclear weapons by the Russian Federation.

     I urge all non-governmental and governmental organizations on Earth who care to support our initiative.

     Let's make the world safe and responsible together.

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