Young teachers being bullied at schools!

Young teachers are being bullied at a work place, do you agree or disagree?

Senior teachers make young teachers feel like they don't belong at the work place, Young teachers are not allowed to voice out issues and their opinions at work because senior teachers always assume that they are always wrong and they are the right ones because they've  been in the system for longer. Young teachers are being oppressed at a work place and being  treated badly.  Every time a young teacher gives an opinion, the opinion is always turned against them in a way that it ends up looking like they're actually  stirring up problems where there aren't any. Mostly senior teachers  have a tendency of undermining young teachers saying things  or taking certain actions that may make others question your professionalism,knowledge,abilities or ethics. Many of these people will be trying to pass it on because they think they are too good to do the work and some of these senior teachers will always try to shut their duties to young teachers because they are, at their core, self-centered. Their myopic view on life means that they will never understand why others are unwilling to do their work.

The department should address the issue of bullying  at a work place and also make it clear  what the consequences might be. 

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