Womp It Up! on CBB World!


STITCHER PREMIUM IS SHUTTING DOWN AUGUST 29, 2023! Which means the entire archive of the beloved show Womp It Up! will no longer be available. This show has gotten me and countless others through some tough times. The humor and heart of the show really shine and there are new layers with every re-listen. It is deeply missed, but at least we've always had the archive. 

Until now! The official FAQ for Stitcher says of premium content: "Hosts/creators will determine availability and accessibility of their shows." I'm not going to pretend I know who owns what and where and legalities, but it says Earwolf on the graphic, so I imagine the folks at CBB World must have something to do with it. 

This is just an earnest plea to save this content somewhere, even behind a paywall. The Womp It Up! world is rich and weird and vibrant, and reality is so damn dark sometimes. Please sign below if you feel moved to support! 

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