We Oppose the Construction of Laurel Residences at Commonwealth by Century

A planned additional condominium building named "Laurel Residences at Commonwealth by Century" within the grounds of The Residences at Commonwealth by Century (TRC) was suddenly announced without proper communication with residents and unit owners.

This goes against original plans wherein Century Properties explicitly stated that the last tower would be Quezon South (as per their website and other related material). We, as TRC unit owners, residents, and stakeholders, believe that this is done in bad faith and misleads those who bought units beforehand. We were led to believe there will only be 8 condominium buildings within the compound.

1. This is a huge inconvenience to all unit owners as there will be additional construction that will take up space, produce noise, pollution, and other unwanted issues. This becomes a bigger problem since all buildings are being occupied already.

2. It would force us unit owners to share already limited facilities with additional residents.

3. In the long run, an additional building has the high likelihood of diluting the value of our existing units.

4. Unsightly and awkward location for the new building. That patch of empty land gave us some "breathing room" and a nice sense of space. It also serves as an important EVACUATION AREA which this development will take away.

5. It seems like an afterthought and a way for the developers to squeeze out every little peso they can get. Please take note that this appears to be a separate development "squatting" within the confines of our complex. If it were, indeed part of TRC, then it should never be allowed since it is not part of the original plans.

We have a right to say no to building the Laurel Residences at Commonwealth by Century! We strongly oppose this endeavor by the developers and ask Century Properties to stop any developments immediately.

Concerned Residents of TRC    Contact the author of the petition

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