We do NOT want Nelson Council to proceed with the planned new library

We do NOT want the Nelson Council to proceed with the planned new library. We do NOT want or need a new library. And we do NOT want the rates rise associated with this planned new library, or any large rates rises. We demand that the Council focus spending on the current needs in Nelson.

We are facing climate change with increasingly violent storms, more and bigger wild-fires, increasingly worse flooding; the real possibility according to the latest scientists of Covid getting into NZ; we have the dire situation of residents who are homeless, or hungry, poor - young people can't even afford their first home, let alone pay rental prices... and so many infrastructure and transportation issues needing work, PLUS a housing crisis. These are many of the dire needs in Nelson.

Therefore we demand to see Council either cancelling or deferring the library project, and we demand evidence of the Council focussing on and addressing the current dire needs in Nelson.


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