We demand a People Centered Government and a People Driven Development

Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality led by the Executive Mayor Cllr Princess Faku and the Speaker, Cllr Humphrey Maxeghwana , disregard Objects of Local Government as enshrined in Section 152 of the Constitution of the Republic and Municipal Legislations that governs Public Participation.  The 2024/2025 IDP and Budget was never consulted prior Council approval. 

We therefore demand MEC for Finance Mlungisi Mvoko in collaboration with COGTA MEC Zolile Williams to declare the purported Budget for 2024/2025 Financial Year as unlawful,  irregular. There should be no expenditures until communities are consulted 

Mzwandile Vaaiboom on behalf of ISANCO (Independent South African National Civic Organisation)    Contact the author of the petition

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