We Call Them the Dirty Dozen!
We are filing this petition on this 6th day of February in 2014 in order to voice our opposition to Virginia House Bill HB1253 which "Creates the Hampton Roads Transportation Accountability Commission to manage regional transportation planning in Planning District 23. The bill moves the responsibility for approval of projects and the priority of such projects pursuant to the Hampton Roads Transportation Fund from the Hampton Roads Planning Organization to the new Commission."
First we had HB 3202 back in 2006 which was to create a regional transportation authority with the power to raise taxes. We sued all the way to the Virginia Supreme Court and we won; taxation without representation. Now they want to create another authority that has the power to raise tolls and decide where the funds will be spent on which project.
With the existence of Virginia Department of Transportation, Virginia Transportation Board, the Hampton Roads District Planning Commission and the Metropolitan Planning Organization, where is the compelling need for the creation of another level of government, complete with staff and funding? This new Transportation Commission is going to cost the citizens in each Hampton Roads locality over $1 million annually…forever! And that projected cost is just for the first year.
Why are the Republicans and Sen. Frank Wagner trying to create more debt, higher taxes and a bigger government? You’ll have to ask them, especially before they vote to approve this bill.
1 of 12: Creates the Hampton Roads Transportation Accountability Commission whose members are not accountable to the taxpayers.
2 of 12: Gives this Commission the power to create new tolls and raise existing tolls.
3 of 12: Gives this Commission the power to issue bonds or other debt in such amounts as it deems appropriate.
4 of 12: The Commission may issue massive debt not directly authorized by the General Assembly.
5 of 12: The Commission may issue debt that binds a locality without input from the taxpayers of that locality.
6 of 12: A new level of government is created that is not directly elected by the taxpayers.
7 of 12: While the taxpayers in the locality have no input on the operating expenses of this newly-created Commission, they will be responsible for the debt issued.
8 of 12: This Commission will have the power to condemn private property under eminent domain.
9 of 12: If any portion of the powers of the Commission shall be found unconstitutional, the remaining powers will remain intact.
10 of 12: The Commission will set the standards for job-to-housing ratios. More controlling government…
11 of 12: The Commission will set the standards for job and housing access to transit and pedestrian facilities, air quality and per-capita vehicle miles traveled.
12 of 12: Frank Wagner and the Republicans are trying to solve a problem we don’t have.
Amendments made to this bill by members of Transportation Sub-Committee #4 will enable the newly created non-elected Commission to effectively ignore the transportation needs of the suburbs in Planning District 23 in favor of the larger urban centers like Virginia Beach. Their intent is made clear by the nature of the amendments to HB1253 lines 28 and 29; the underlined wording in line 28 was added to the bill and line 29 was amended to strike the wording that would have protected ALL the localities in the District:
28 to provide the greatest impact on reducing congestion for the greatest number of citizens residing within Planning District 23 and shall ensure that the moneys shall be used for
29 such construction projects in all localities comprising Planning District 23.
Please join us in opposing this unfair, unconstitutional bill, not only for the discriminatory amendments but also because it enables our elected officials to avoid their responsibility to the citizens who elected them to represent them in the General Assembly.
The Slipper Brigade Contact the author of the petition
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