Citizen Initiative Wageningen TTIP-Free!
We: concerned citizens of Wageningen,
Establishing that:
a. The European Union is conducting talks with the United States of America for a free trade agreement, namely the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership (T.T.I.P.), at this moment,
b. These negotiations also cover the harmonisation of standards between the USA and the EU, while these currently differ significantly in various area’s (Think of norms for environment, health, labour conditions, competition))
c. All this happens behind closed doors, making it difficult for objection as even the documents are not public and elected officials such as members of European Parliament are not allowed to own the texts, but only view them,
d. There is a lack of transparency and participatory possibilities on all policy levels as well as for civil society organisations and ordinary citizens,
Opining that:
1. Social, health and environmental norms currently applicable in the EU must be maintained and respected by European and foreign companies on the European market,
2. The lack of information shall not refrain us from speaking out against a trade agreement that is conceived in such an undemocratic way,
3. TTIP can be a threat for the local democracy in Wageningen and harmful to (democratically established) local rules covering social norms, environment, economy, health, agriculture, intellectual property, culture,
4. the obligations of the trade agreement can be binding for all tiers of government and could force the municipality Wageningen to change local initiatives and policies as a result of this agreement.
Request the municipality Wageningen:
To proclaim itself against the free trade agreement T.T.I.P. by declaring itself a ‘TTIP-free’ municipality, And to actively propagate this position toward the dutch House of Representatives, the European Commission, the minister of Foreign trade and Development Cooperation, the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament.
Citizen Initiative Wageningen TTIP Vrij Contact the author of the petition
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