Villebois Homeowners Letter of Support- 8/22/11 DRB hearing

August 19, 2011

Monica Keenan, Chair
Development Review Board
City of Wilsonville
29799 SW Town Center Loop E 
Wilsonville, OR 97070

Dear Chair Keenan and Development Review Board Members:

We are writing to submit testimony with regards to the application for the proposed Villebois Village Community Center (Villebois PDP 5-South), “Tonquin Woods #1” Subdivision (Villebois PDP 5-South), and “Tonquin Woods #2 and #3” Subdivision (Villebois PDP1-North).  As homeowners in Villebois, we are directly impacted by these applications and appreciate the opportunity to submit comments on these items.

Resolution No 214 - Villebois Village Community Center

Villebois Village Community Center is an amenity in the Villebois Master Plan.  We support the proposed application as it substantially meets the requirements in the Villebois Master Plan and the design is consistent with the approved Specific Area Plan, the Villebois Architectural Pattern Book and Villebois Master Plan Technical Appendix.  The application is a result of a collaborative effort among the city, developers and homeowners.  A significant amount of time and effort have gone into developing the mediation agreement for the construction of the community center.   The Final Development plan for the community building and swimming pool is consistent with the mediation agreement that was supported by Arbor Villebois homeowners.   The Arbor homeowners have been waiting patiently for this amenity that was supposed to be completed in 2009.  We urge the DRB to approve the application without delay.  


Resolution No. 215- Villebois PDP5-South

We support the approval of the proposed application with the conditions of approval identified by staff.   The refinements proposed in the application for street alignments and compositions of housing types are consistent with the vision of the Villebois Master Plan.  Revising street alignments to allow homes to face the park is consistent with the aesthetic currently in Villebois. The revisions to the residential land use types result in no net change in the total number of lots in Phase 5 and are within the 10 percent allowed for refinements.  Homeowners support staff’s recommendation for a condition of approval for inclusion of a French Revival style home in the applicant’s product line.  Diversity of housing is tenant in the Villebois Master Plan and variation of housing styles is critical to reflect this diversity and maintain the balance of housing types throughout the community.  It is noticeable in the first phase of Polygon homes that a French style is absent and it does not feel consistent with the rest of the neighborhood.  We would like to see this corrected in future phases of the development.

Resolution No. 216 Villebios PDP1-North

We support the approval of the proposed application with the conditions of approval identified by staff. PDP1-N includes a minor refinement to the local and mix of residential land use types that changes the total number of lots from 144 units to 142 units, which is a minor revision with limited impact.  We support the condition of approval for the surface of the volleyball court to be sand as opposed to grass.  We currently have a park with a sand base that is a great attraction for creative play.   As noted in the staff report, approval of PDP-5 South is essential for the extension of public utilities to serve PDP1-North.  We do not support the approval of PDP1-North if it circumvents utilities at PDP5-S to serve PDP1-N.

Overall, the proposed applications with the conditions of approval substantially meet the requirements of the Villebois Master Plan and adhere to the design standards, lot sizes, planned amenities and open spaces, which meet the expectations of current homeowners that have purchased and made financial decisions based on the master plan and previously approved development plans.

These applications are interdependent and represent a significant amount of new development in Villebois. We are deeply invested in our community and would like to see it continue to grow and thrive.    

We respectfully request approval of these applications.


Arbor Villebois Homeowners

Please see attached signature sheet.