Vedic Procedure of Wearing Manik stone

It is advised to wear Ruby or Manik stone on Tuesday and Saturday. This is because it also gives good results if Lord Ganesha's picture is worn. Usually, such stones are set in silver rings. But some people believe that wearing a Gold ring with Ruby stone brings more benefits than a Silver one. If you buy gemstones online, you can check the following steps of wearing a Ruby or Manik stone goes as per the Hindu religion:



         There should be some black lines on the Ruby. Some finer lines must be there. If             there is no such thing, then instead of wearing Ruby, one should wear Coral           (Kajal).

  • Before wearing a Ruby or Manik stone, first, make it wet and apply sandalwood (Chandan) Paste. After that, pour Gangajal (water of Ganges river- considered holy in Hindu religion ) over the stone, and after making it wet, give a bath to the stone with milk. Then wipe it with a soft cotton cloth or tissue paper.

  • The Ruby should be worn on Tuesday or Saturday.


  • It is said that when one wears ruby, he attains knowledge of Ayurveda, Mantras, and Vastu Shastra. He becomes victorious in the world after wearing the Ruby stone. If there are no black lines on the Ruby, it is advised not to wear it even if it is set in a Gold ring.


  • On the day of wearing Manik stone, it is advised to take a bath in cold water and wear clothes while bathing, which should not be stitched. It is better to wear only one cloth and that too without stitches on that day. What clothes will give results?


  • All precious Gems and stones only benefit when worn as per its rules and regulations.


  • Some people jointly wear two stones, one natural Ruby gemstone, and the other Manik stone, together in the same silver ring. There is no harm in this, but if someone wears only one stone, it should be Ruby because wearing Manik stone gives sorrow to the wearer.


  • The procedure of wearing Ruby is identical for every stone, be it Diamond or Coral (Kajal), but if someone wears Manik Stone, he should strictly follow the above methods.


  • Generally, women wear real Ruby gemstone on their little fingers and men on the ring finger.


  • In our ancient Indian scriptures, there is a mention that one should not wear Ruby or Manik stone with a Gold ring because it is harmful to health.


  • For better results, if possible, one should do fasting while wearing Ruby or Manik stone.


  • A person who wears Diamond (very costly gemstone), Coral (Kajal), Pearl, Emerald, and Ruby will get all types of happiness, victory, and perseverance in life.



Now that you know the procedure of wearing ruby or Manik stone, make an informed decision on which gemstone to wear. Remember to work with your astrologer to help decide what would be best for yourself and your needs. Ruby is a precious red gemstone symbolizing love, devotion, creativity, and success, while Manik stone is a luck-bringing gem. If you are looking for something more traditional yet colorful, then go ahead and buy both!

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