It's 2025 the University of Venda is under mass turmoil after the reigning SRC members which students voted for are eager to betray the students who voted for change. Students are depressed, erratic, sad, regretful, helpless, poor, stuck, panicking, angry, passive, vulnerable and of course betrayed. Students have voted for change but they aren't receiving any change instead God blessed them with more drama than they could ever ask for. The deployed President of SASCO is ignoring and blue ticking students. The deployed Secretary General is lying to students on a daily basis defending nothing but lies. The deployed minister of housing is allowing the management to take charge in room allocations discarding all the poor returning students with no say unfairly so no manual room allocation is placed. It's all a nimbus and they are the coldest human species we've ever encountered. Psychologists would proudly say that we are led by NARCISSISTS or narcs. People who play games, who lured us in, who guilt trips us, who manipulates us , who enjoy seeing us cry, who ignore us daily. Indeed the narcs are leading and you know what they say? You cannot treat a person who doesn't think they are sick. The University of Venda's SRC are sick individuals who needs help but let's focus on students themselves. What about us? Do they need to see newsflash about a suicide amongst one of us for them to take us seriously. This petition is for them to realise that we might have voted for them but we still have opinions and our opinions can take them back to square one. We love them as human beings because humanity is surely something we should give out freely but they've run out of that humanity now. We want to be treated fairly and hardworking SRC members whom we voted for to see change. If you are a student of the University of Venda and you are going through these injustices please sign the petition to support us on creating a better environment where all are respected and worked for since they deserve it. We might not know yet how this petition might help us but it sure will look like multiple opinions saying the same thing about the same situation. Even if things are going well for you at the University of Venda please support us. Every voice counts. Every click counts. We have been patient for too long. We can't live long enough to keep on checking. May God lead us onto the pain and struggles we are going through. Thank you.
University Of Venda Students Contact the author of the petition