Unite for Sudan: Amplifying Sudan's Cry for Justice!


Sudan has been mired in a protracted period of internal turbulence since 2019, following the deposing in April 2019 of its longstanding dictator, President Al Bashir, by a mass revolution. However, the journey into a transitional government was cut short when the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces staged a military coup in October 2021.   

Subsequently, power tension arose between the two military forces, which peaked on 15 April 2023, leading to an eruption of a war that resulted in a severe humanitarian crisis. Since the beginning of the war, it has been reported that over 420 people have been killed and more than 3,700 injured. In addition, thousands of civilians have fled from their homes for safety.   

Both forces have been adamant about stopping military confrontations despite various calls from the United Nations and the regional bodies. There is a need for the immediate end of the war, restoration of peace in Sudan and urgent interventions to protect fundamental human rights, provision of relief and medical help. 


Master's Programme in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa, Sudan Advocacy Group at the Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria    Contact the author of the petition

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