Travelling to Taiwan to get a refund, cancellation or voucher to reschedule

Hi All

In view of the recent Coronavirus issue, the world is affected and many countries advise not to travel to China, Taiwan, hongkong and even Singapore. 

Singapore government also advise Singaporean to avoid unnecessary travelling especially to those affected countries. 

Many of us booked ticket travel to Taiwan, however when contacted the airline(myself is Scoot), they are not doing anything because they say Taiwan not part of China even though WHO recognise them as China and there's countries ban Taiwanese from entering their country.

Facebook of Scoot seeing thousands of post complaining about this and wish Scoot can help us but the answer is negative.

I hereby started this petition is to hope that Scoot or other airline will help us and protect Singaporean health. 

Provide us a plan to refund/ cancel or give us a voucher to reschedule .

Appreciate and thanks all got the help