Trap neuter and release

I am reaching out to the public, to try and get as much data on the cat colony in the Dundalk area. It’s come to the public attention that feral cats have grown to a huge population, sadly with no trn program in place to date.

We need as many eyes as possible, to bring this to the attention of the public so we can get a trn program in place. To stop the suffering of these animals.

Why TNR works . Trap–neuter–return (TNR), also known as trap–neuter–release, is a controversial method that attempts to manage populations of feral cats. The process involves live-trapping the cats, having them neutered, ear-tipped for identification, and, if possible, vaccinated, then releasing them back into the outdoors.If the location is deemed unsafe or otherwise inappropriate, the cats may be relocated to other appropriate areas (barn/farmyard homes are often considered best).Ideally, friendly adults and kittens young enough to be easily socialized are retained and placed for adoption.

In the past, the main goal of most TNR programs was the reduction or eventual elimination of free-roaming cat populations. It is still the most widely implemented non-lethal method of managing them. While that is still a primary goal of many efforts, other programs and initiatives may be aimed more towards providing a better quality of life for feral cats,stemming the population expansion that is a direct result of breeding, improving the communities in which these cats are found,reducing "kill" rates at shelters that accept captured free-roaming cats, in turn improving public perceptions and possibly reducing costs, and eliminating or reducing nuisance behaviors to decrease public complaints about free-roaming cats


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