Traffic Calming on Mariannhill Road & Caversham Road Pinetown



Incidents of speeding in our community are on the rise, leading to catastrophic consequences such as fatal accidents and serious injuries, especially aroundDA Mariannhill Road and Caversham Road areas. We, the residents of Pinetown, are deeply concerned about the increasing risk this poses to our community's safety. Therefore, this public outcry is directed at the Ethekweni Municipality, the entity entrusted with our safety, demanding the implementation of effective preventive actions in the indicated danger zones. 

We request the prompt installation of speed humps, roundabouts, and/or traffic lights, particularly along the stretches of Mariannhill Road between Pinehill Avenue and Voortrekker Street, and Caversham Road between the Umbilo River Bridge and Fifth Avenue. It's undeniable that the implementation of such alterations would serve a critical role in controlling vehicle speed, offering drivers clear guidance, and improving overall road safety of drivers, pedestrians and residents.

The World Health Organization's Global Status Report on Road Safety indicates that speeding contributes to around one-third of all fatal road accidents worldwide - a terrifying statistic we should actively fight to prevent from being reflected in our local community. 

By signing this petition, we urge the Ethekweni Municipality to take immediate notice and action in our community against speeding. Together, we can create a safe environment for us and our future generations. We invite you to sign this petition, highlighting the urgency to step up local measures against speeding and related road accidents.

Please note your details will not be shared or used for any purposes outside of this petition. 


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