To open Yoga Centres

We are asking for permission to reopen Yoga centres and resume with Yoga classes. As the lockdown is ongoing, many people are facing higher stress levels from being at home for long periods of time. The same goes for the working public who are unable to unwind or relax from their stressful work environements due to their regular Yoga centres being closed. This also causes an increase in mental and physical health issues. By having Yoga classes, we will be able to help our students relax and allow them to be occupied with a healthy activity. It has been proven repeatedly over many years that Yoga helps boost  our health and keeps our mental and emotional health in check. Furthemore, full time yoga instructors are also facing an extreme loss of income. We are asking for your kind consideration and support as this is an activity which causes no harm but only aims to help. We will also make sure to follow the SOPs and ensure zero contact between students and between teachers and students. 

Malaysian Association of Yoga Instructors    Contact the author of the petition

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