The Great Sticker Debate – Ishaan vs. Fahd

In light of recent events within our esteemed WhatsApp group, a matter of great significance has come to our attention. Our dear member, Fahd, has been excessively utilizing a particular sticker featuring the face of our fellow member, Ishaan. While some may see this as a harmless act of humor, others argue that it has crossed the boundaries of reasonable usage.


As the appointed group leader, it is my duty to ensure fairness and uphold the dignity of all members. Therefore, I present this petition to the group to formally determine:


Has Fahd’s use of the Ishaan sticker reached an unacceptable level of overuse?

Is Ishaan justified in his concerns, or is this simply the price of internet fame?

Should new regulations be introduced regarding sticker usage in our group?

Your vote will help decide whether justice prevails or whether Fahd retains his unchecked privileges

below and let your voice be heard!








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