Tax exemption for people with disabilities in full time employment.


Hi Guys,

I'm looking for your support and backing, to make a change for people with disabilities in full time employment. 

There is currently no support in regards to medical expenses, assistance, or suitable resources for people in "full time employment" from the Irish state. I'm looking to make a change!!

I'm looking to gain tax exemption for those who are able to hold down a full time job!! I'm looking for a Disability Fund to be created for people with Disabilities in Full Time Employment. Where their tax goes into the fund to assist them with medical expenses with all the resources they need to live a fulfilling life! 

If someone with a physical disability is in need of a wheelchair they should be given it. If someone is missing a limb, has speech or hearing impairments or any form of disability,  They should not have to pay! 

Our Irish government should be encouraging people to get off disability allowance. They should be giving them the resources, confidence and belief they can hold down full time employment with full backing and support. 

currenly the state of Ireland allows you to work 20 hours a week and claim from the social welfare. You need to fit within a means to qualify to be regarded as having a disability. Where is the incentive for people with Disabilities who want and can work full time? 

Many people with disabilities are encouraged to stay in the Irish system and claim.! When they should be helped in every way possible to live a fulfilling life, with the support from our Irish government. 

I'm 100% positive that a lot of people who suffer from disabilities suffer for example of mental health issues. This is down to sitting at home most of the time doing nothing!! They are left with their thoughts, thinking negative about themselves, been diagnosed with a mental illness,  pumped up with medication that's leaving them numb not knowing witch direction to take in life!! 

A lot of things within the Irish system is wrong, if you look at the uk or Scotland entitlements , you are entitled to full medical support in full time employment. 

I myself am missing my left arm, according to our Irish state... I do not have a disability, I have a physical enailment. 

This is the title that was put on me!! I come up against many struggles. But the fact I have a college education and can hold down a full time job, I do not have a disability, according to the Irish State!! 

This is very unfair, I am not entitled to a medical card, to pay for a prosthetic Arm. It is advised to have two Arms as they are prone to wear and tear and cost thousands! If I minus two arms a year, from my salary I have nothing to survive on. I might as well be claiming. Quoted recently for the basic limbs..€14,272.  

I cannot put money aside for my future, it's like having a mortgage over my head only I don't have the house!! I could never afford one!! 

In the past I faced this same situation I'm in right now, which led me to mental health issues!! Luckly I've safe guarded myself , surrounded by people who love and support me! The struggle to pay rent, utility bills , run a car.. ending up in stressful situations with a constant bill hanging over my head for a prosthetic Arm!! I do not want history repeating. I will not allow history repeat. 

Could you please help me make this change? 

I'm sure there is thousands in my position... with all types of Disabilities in the country of Ireland who feel the same. We need to all come together and make this happen. 

Thank you for taking the time to read and sign this petition. :) 

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