SWTOR: Address Harassment/Community Issues

This petition is for players of the Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) MMO.

We have a wonderful community of players in the game, but sadly, the play experience is increasingly hindered by the actions of a few.

We request that the SWTOR administration and customer support address the declining moderation of players engaging in harassment who clearly break the rules of conduct, particularly in reference to the anti-harassment policies: http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/rulesofconduct

Our first step is to request formal responses from SWTOR staff to our concerns, centered around the following points/questions.

  • Is SWTOR administration still committed to providing players with an atmosphere free of harassment?
  • Why are so many individuals currently permitted to engage in harassment  with no/minimal repercussions (often, repeatedly)?
  • So that we may begin from the same point of understanding, what are the current scales and methods of punishment as they are actually enacted? (In other words, someone who "trolls" a user a single time receives what punishment; someone who sends profanity-laced hate-mail receives what punishment?)
  • Is administration willing to update its rules of conduct (as of this writing, last updated November 17th, 2011) to mitigate the loopholes for weak response towards problem players?
  • What steps will administration take to strengthen existing policies and enforce them in the future?

We also request that if SWTOR administration is either not willing/able to uphold their principles of community or if their desired community atmosphere has changed, that they acknowledge this fact openly.

Please sign this petition if you would like SWTOR administration to respond to these player concerns.

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