Swansea High School Head Football Coach - Vote of No Confidence

Swansea High School Student Athletes deserve, not only an environement where they thirve academically, but an athletic culture that enables them to accomplish their  goals and maximize their potential. Head Football Coach Charles Brent Wilder has failed his Team, Swansea High School, and the Community by failing to develop his Athletes and implement a winning culture. Since his arrival in 2019, the Varsity team has posted a 10-33 record under his tenure:  

2019: 4-8

2020: 1-6

2021: 2-7 

2022: 3-7

2023: 0-5

This is not the Tiger standard. Last lost was 77-0 after they implemented a running clock and Midland Valley took their foot off the gas. The Athletes look intimidated and overwhelmed after each play. 

Join me in this petition to demand Swansea High School Athletic Department immediately terminate Head Coach Wilder and actively seek out a qualified candidate to fill the role. We deserve and should demand better. 

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