Suspension of our inner-city resident's parking schemes during COVID19

We need two things. The first is the suspension of resident parking schemes in inner city bristol. The second is the relaxation of unreasonable parking restrictions that are negatively impacting local businesses in the BS5, BS6 and BS2 (namely, Stokes Croft, Cheltenham Road, Ashley Road and Stapleton Road) areas.

Why is this important?

During the lockdown and dynamic restrictions and changes caused by the COVID19 pandemic, the economic realities for families and businesses within Bristol are becoming more and more challenging. People are losing jobs and losing businesses, and once the government financial support is withdrawn, research commissioned by the Trussell Trust suggests that many people are forecast to be swept into destitution across the country.
There are many economically deprived communities, and Black and Ethnic Minority communities which are disproportionately detrimented by COVID19 who live and own businesses in the areas concerned.
There are issues of local parking restrictions within the inner city urban areas specifically St Pauls, Montpelier, and Easton which have and continue to impact local businesses. With homes and businesses being required to pay to park in restricted areas, at a time where both are struggling to make ends meet, the additional financial and emotional cost of Resident's Parking Schemes and unreasonable parking restrictions present ongoing challenges.
The small, locally owned businesses, that dominate these localities experience a double whammy of customers not being able to find parking within the restriction times either through RSP restriction or double yellow lines. Both impact trade.
Specifically with COVID19 customers talk about the impact of the parking restrictions  also affecting family and friends from being able to offer practical support to the more vulnerable within the community, simply because parking is so difficult.
Lifting the restrictions during this period may offer some economic relief to families and businesses who just cannot afford the cost. It may also make the practicalities of the "essential journey" process, so much easier, and effective.
Please add your signature to support the lifting of RPS restrictions during the pandemic, and the call for a new consultation by the council with local business owners on the negative impact of parking restrictions.

Barbara Brown, Rice and Things Exclusive Jamaican Restaurant    Contact the author of the petition

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