Supporting People who are Experiencing or at Risk of Homelessness



Food, shelter and clothes are the basic needs of a Human. 

As per the data from ABS 2018, more than 116,000 people were estimated to be homeless in Australia including 58% males comprising 21% aged 25-34 and 20% identified as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians.

Through this petition, we would like to:

  • Focus on a holistic understanding of the homeless experience
  • Awareness of the available government services to support people experiencing or at the risk of homelessness
  • More emphasis on cultural sensitivity (for ex., working with CALD community or Indigenous Australians)
  • Critical perspective on the structural marginalization of people experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness
  • Demand quick and safe housing support for highly vulnerable and at risk people, for example, young people with substance abuse issues

Our plan is to raise awareness through this petition and demand from the Government to:

  • Support the homelessness issue
  • Reduce the rate of homelessness in Melbourne, Australia
  • To increase the amount of allocated funds from the yearly budget for homelessness
  • Provide more accessible services and resources for the people experiencing or at risk of homelessness
  • Improve the availability of social housing
  • Federal housing assistance

Home was never a DREAM for homeless people as they used to have their homes. Now, we need to help them to find the lost-reality again. Please support us by signing this petition.


Mater of Social Work students of Australian College of Applied Psychology    Contact the author of the petition

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