We propose for the Weeley fireworks that will be held on The Weeley Car Boot Site, Colchester Road, Essex, CO16 9AD to be relocated. There are many concerns over the planned event at the weeley boot sale field , apparently we are to have a firework ‘EXTRAVAGANZA’
Not just once but on 2 consecutive nights!
Personally I love fire works but this is totally inappropriate and misplaced .
Weeley boot sale field has adjoining farms and livestock housing and is in close proximity to residential housing , stables( that I personally know have pregnant mares in at this time ) and well within earshot of domestic pets, many of whom are terrified by fireworks .
There are also many elderly people who have no desire to be disturbed by this earth shaking event at night, not to mention a number of PTSD sufferers , who find fireworks unimaginably difficult to cope with .
It is unlikely that this event has been properly licensed or insured or even registered with the local police, council or fire brigade , so I’m asking those of you who share my opinion to contact the council and raise your objection to it going ahead.
For those of you who enjoy fireworks , like myself maybe you would like to suggest they move it to a more appropriate site , away from vulnerable people and animals who get no choice in regards the terror being inflicted on them.
Thank you .

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