Stop The Transition To Wind Farms And Bring Down the Cost Of Energy

Windfarms are completely eliminating our remnant rainforests by blowing off the tops of mountains and clearing 100mtr wide dirt roads that will cross-cross the nation for transmission lines. They system is unreliable, running only 18% of the time. Wind turbine towers are also costly to mine, manufacture, install and maintain. 

They are neither green or sustainable. In the lifecycle of a typical wind turbine, it will never reduce the amount of Co2's in our atmosphere that it originaly produced during its creation, installation and need for constant maintenance. Wind Farm Projects and Contracts are not subject to Environmental Impact Studies as they have already been rubber stamped. THERE IS NO CHECKS AND BALANCES! The science doesn't add up, the money is getting wasted and you're wearing the bill.

Will you join me in the fight for people and environmental protections before profits?

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