Stop the masking of kids at schools

Enough with the masks!!
There is no need for masks for children at school. Children are not transmitters of the 
virus!! There is no need for masks for children when the entire faculty is vaccinated
and protected. So are most parents. No need for masks!!! If we continue to walk with our heads in the sand and wait for someone to stand up with
courage and without fear ... then we can expect at least another year with masks on
our childern's faces at school..
Eight hours a day with masks. Eight hours without seeing a teacher's smile. Eight hours of classmates not seeing each other's face.
This petition is not meant to
hurt or offend. For those who believe it's time to take off the masks, I invite you to join me and the
mother from the LINK BELOW and many other families in order to change the daily lives
of our children. 💜
This is an unneccesary sacrifice we are imposing on our kids.

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