We, the residents, parents and  institutions of Tshwane petition the SAPS Provincial Commissioner, Liquor Board, Parliament, and the Provincial Legislature  to take action to stop the crime at the clubs along Lynnwood road known as The Strip.

Rape of males and females, drugs and drug trafficking, human trafficking,  under age patrons, and murder are the norm now in this area. Victims are too scared to do affidavits or open cases at Brooklyn SAPS, and stakeholder consultation is not working. SAPS Brooklyn simply denies the underage patrons or the crime, and will not provide and stats or information. We are told they send a vehicle regularly which is either not happening or irrelevant,  The area needs decisive and intense action to ensure the safety of our children and youth. We request the liquor board to investigate how the clubs received liquor licenses as they are opposite/ very close to educational institutions and churches. The noise from the illegal clubs disturbs at least 3 suburbs and the university students every night.

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