Stop Nova SBE World Stadium

The world cup in Qatar, a country which punishes same-sex sexual activities with up to 7 years in prison*, will start with a debt of thousands of killed workers**. Many fans, local soccer clubs and public figures will boycott it due to its many controversies.

However, Nova SBE will give the violation of human rights a stage by setting up a "Nova SBE World Stadium" without even mentioning a single fact about what is happening in Qatar.

We want to collect signatures to show the leadership of Nova SBE that the students of the faculty want the project "Nova SBE World Stadium" to stop, since it does not represent a single value of which we were taught in class. 

The quote "With great power comes great responsibility" is written big-lettered in the entrance hall of the faculty. So, also the faculty should act accordingly.







*Source: Human Dignity Trust

**Source: Financial Times

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