Stop more relocations and create opportunities

It’s outrageous that the Gauteng government has squandered a staggering R52 Million (R52 520 000.00) and plans to spend more millions on relocating 1600 families to Cullinan/Refilwe while failing to address the most basic needs of the community!

We’re left in a state of neglect – incomplete reservoirs, half built stadiums, and no solutions for the severe lack of electricity. Roads are not being upgraded and streetlights take years to be fixed. 

Despite investing enormous sums, job opportunities remain nonexistent and thousands of residents continue to suffer from lack of water, sanitation, and power. 

This reckless disregard for our people’s well-being is infuriating!

The City of Tshwane must wake up and prioritize the urgent needs of our community over pointless political antics.

We demand services before any relocation. 

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