Stop laminating our world. Sign this petition to stop plastic pollution!

Plastic pollution is a big problem. It has killed thousands of innocent lives that should not suffer from our waste. What is plastic pollution? Plastic pollution is pretty self explanatory, it is when plastic is polluting our land and sea, resulting in thousands of deaths for marine animals. Sometimes when birds are cut open their stomachs are filled with plastic.

Scientists have proven that by 2025, there will be around 1 tonne of plastic for every 3 tonnes of fish, and by 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the sea (by weight)

By signing this petition, you can help us show our local representative, Julian Simmonds, how catastrophic the effect of plastic pollution can be to mankind as well as our enviroment. We ask Julian Simmonds to take a stand by banning the use of single use plastics, such as plastic straws and cups (except where use is necessary by differently abled people).

You can also help out by doing these:

- Bring a reusable bag to go shopping

- Use a paper straw instead of plastic, or you can buy a reusable metal straw that can be reused many, many times

- Bring a reusable coffee cup every when you go to the coffee shop


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