Stop Commercial Projects in Granite Bay Residential Areas

CatunaSitePlan00021.JPGCatunaMap41.jpgThe Catuna Care Home Project – Proposes to add 10,400 SF building to existing residence to serve 15 dementia patients in middle of rural residential neighborhood off of Douglas Boulevard, 6505 Arabian Circle.  Hearing is May 21, 2020.

This could happen in any rurally zoned residential neighborhood in Granite Bay.

And more will come if this is approved.

The 17 neighbors in this neighborhood will have to drive on their private road by this large commercial facility every day.

The Granite Bay Community Plan Chapter 3 Zoning explicity states that the 1st goal  is "Preserve the unique character of the Granite Bay area which is exemplified by the general rural environment, oak woodlands, mix of land uses and densities, and high quality of development."

We are losing the rural/agricultural way of life here in Granite Bay.

Please vote “No to Catuna Care Home Project” by completing information in upper right corner.   Thank you!

Arabian Circle Concerned Homeowners    Contact the author of the petition

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