SAY NO TO Case# Plat 694, SUP 24-09 & SUP 24-10 

                 STOP THE CITY OF BUFORD'S ANNEXATION AND REZONING OF 29 ACRES AT CAMP BRANCH RD AND GRAVEL SPRINGS RD.                                  STOP WAREHOUSES IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS!Site_plan_as_JPEG-FINAL.jpgGravel Springs Rd is at the bottom of the map, Camp Branch Rd cuts through the middle of this project connecting to Hamilton Mill Rd 

    The City of Buford’s Planning and Zoning Board has voted to recommend that 29 acres at the corner of Camp Branch Rd and Gravel Springs Rd be annexed into the City of Buford and be rezoned from RA-200 (residential) to M-1 (manufacturing) to allow the construction of SIX buildings containing 307,610 square feet of storage and warehouse space directly abutting residential neighborhoods. 

    This zoning classification would be vastly different from the residential properties this project would dwarf.  Large trucks would be utilizing residential areas, destroying roads, and creating unsafe driving conditions.  They plan to use Camp Branch Road as a cut-through to Hamilton Mill Road.  High-density truck traffic would continue to clog the Gravel Springs and I-85 overpass, where huge warehouse projects are currently being built.   

   Because we are nonvoters in the City of Buford, the City of Buford does not worry about our opinion. What City of Buford residents and non-city residents must realize is that these annexations and inappropriate rezonings affect us all.  We all drive on these roads. 

    The City of Buford seems determined to annex and have a warehouse beside every neighborhood.  This means if you live near property that touches the City of Buford you are in danger of having a warehouse in your backyard.                                                  

                      WE MUST PUT A STOP TO CITY OF BUFORD ANNEXATIONS            

     The City of Buford provides little transparency for the public and routinely ignores residents inside and outside its city limits.  (You will recall that they didn’t care about the City of Buford residents at Lake Lanier when they protested the rezoning for warehouses). This is about traffic safety, our property values, and quality of life.  Buford is our community regardless of whether we live in the city limits.          

To have any chance of stopping this annexation and rezoning, we’ve got to make some noise before the hearing, and be there when it’s held!  Wear red to show your opposition.  Sign this petition! TELL YOUR NEIGHBORS!

                                       STAND UP FOR YOUR COMMUNITY!                                                                                                                                        City of Buford Board of Commissioners meeting 7 pm,  Monday, June 3   Buford City Hall  300 Buford Hwy, Buford 30518   

                               LET THE CITY OF BUFORD HEAR FROM YOU!

Address your letters of opposition to Buford City Commission ATTN: Kim Wolfe, Planning Director 2300 Buford Hwy, Buford 30518                               Send your letters to:  Philip Beard, Chairman   Chris Burge, Vice Chairman   Brad Weeks, Commissioner   

  You can send the same letter to all members of the Commission and be sure to reference Case # Plat 694, SUP 24-09 & SUP 24-10

Join our Facebook group: STOP Warehouses on Camp Branch-Gravel Springs Rd

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