Stop Corpus Christi Play & The San Pedro Playhouse
The Corpus Christi play developed by Terrence McNally was performed at the San Pedro Playhouse in San Antonio, Texas between June and July, 2011. I have personally seen the play and bear witness to the profane and blasphemous dialogue and homo-erotic behavior displayed throughout the infantile production by actors representing Christ, His mother, St. Joseph, St. John the Baptist, and the apostles.
We, concerned Citizens of San Antonio, will do everything possible to end this direct attack on the divinity, the holy name and person of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, His mother, Blessed Mary, St. Joseph, and His chosen apostles as revealed in sacred scripture.
First and foremost, please commit to pray for the end of this blasphemy and sacrilege being presented as art at a city-owned property in San Antonio and in theatres around the nation.
Please sign this petition approving the PETITION letter below, addressed to the civil authorities of the city of San Antonio and the Board of Trustees of the San Antonio Little Theatre, DBA San Pedro Playhouse who operate the playhouse and corporate and individual sponsors who financially support it. All public funding as well as corporate sponsorships should be denied to the operators of the Playhouse.
Thank you and God bless you for your devotion to Christ and our Holy Faith.
/S/ Philip Sevilla, Concerned Citizens of San Antonio
"The Corpus Christi play written by Terrence McNally was performed at the San Pedro Playhouse in San Antonio, Texas between the months of June and July 2011. The play is an affront to all Christians, deeply offends the religious sensibilities of all believers, and directly attacks and mocks the core beliefs of people of faith whose adherents number two billion worldwide. An eyewitness account of the performance can be viewed at:
"On May 17th the religious leaders of San Antonio representing Christian, Jewish, and Moslem faiths united in public under the aegis of the San Antonio Community of Congregations to condemn the opening of the Corpus Christi play at the San Pedro Playhouse. A letter protesting the performance was signed and sent by the organization of religious leaders to the principals of the San Pedro Playhouse who then ignored the letter and commenced with the production of the play.
In 2012 the San Pedro Playhouse is planning to offer other performances of profane, morally offensive, and obscene content - works including "In the Next Room/The Vibrator Play" about orgasms and dildos and "The Little Dog That Laughed" about a homosexual love affair between an actor and male prostitute.
The City of San Antonio currently owns the property occupied by the San Pedro Playhouse and has provided over $1 million in public funds to maintain and operate the Playhouse. Annual grant requests in six figures have been approved by the city to subsidize the Playhouse.
We, the undersigned, concerned residents of San Antonio, protest the obscene, profane, and indecent performances at the San Pedro Playhouse (Playhouse). We believe the Playhouse is in violation of Section 43.21 of the Texas Penal Code on obscenity and section 19.1 of the city contract (#4600008850) signed by the city and Playhouse officials regarding restrictions on "Indecency". We contend that the Corpus Christi play performed repeatedly at the city-owned property occupied by the San Pedro Playhouse violated community standards of decency.
Until it can proven that all performances at the San Pedro Playhouse are in full compliance with contractual obligations to the city and with Texas Law, we request that all financial support of the San Pedro Playhouse be denied by the City of San Antonio and by corporate and individual sponsors, and, the contract to operate the Playhouse on City-owned property be cancelled immediately.
Unless the San Pedro Playhouse Board and Management swear to end all profane, sacrilegious, morally offensive and obscene performances at the Playhouse, we, the concerned Citizens of San Antonio, will initiate forthwith a city-wide BOYCOTT of the
Playhouse .
Concerned Citizens of San Antonio Contact the author of the petition
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