Restoration of the State, Honor, Dignity, and Selfhood of Jammu and Kashmir

Restoration of the State, Honor, Dignity, and Selfhood of Jammu and KashmirYour_paragraph_text_20241231_225301_0000.jpg

We, the State Subjects of Jammu and Kashmir, through this signature campaign, voice our unwavering commitment to the restoration of our honor, dignity, and selfhood. The events of August 5, 2019, altered the status of Jammu and Kashmir, stripping it of its special constitutional identity and the autonomy that was integral to its unique cultural, historical, and political significance.

This change has left a profound impact on the people of the region, challenging our sense of belonging and identity. We believe it is imperative to reinstate the State of Jammu and Kashmir to its pre-August 5, 2019 status, reflecting the aspirations and rights of its people.

We also emphasize the need for constitutional protections to safeguard our jobs, land, and natural resources, ensuring that the unique heritage of Jammu and Kashmir is preserved for future generations. These safeguards are essential not only for our economic well-being but also for maintaining the integrity of our cultural and environmental resources.

Through this campaign, we stand united in our demand for justice and recognition, urging those in positions of power to honor the sentiments of the people and restore what was unjustly taken away.

Adv. Muzafar Iqbal Khan, MLA Thanna Mandi-Darhal    Contact the author of the petition

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