Speed Camera At The Intersection Of Delmas & Barnard Road


Petition for the department of roads & transport to supply and install a traffic speed camera at the intersection of Delmas and Barnard Road to try and slow down the speeding traffic coming from Solomon Mahlangu down Delmas road accoss the intersection of Barnard road.

Vehicles comeing from the N1 Highway, catching the lights green on their way towards Barnard Road down Delmas Road keeps driving at a high rate of speed, sometimes in excess of 120Km/h down Delmas Road and are responsable for the majority of accidents at the intersection of Delmas & Barnard Road, several of them has been fatal. Both pedestrians as well as drivers of vehicles trying to cross the intersection from Delmas turning down Barnard Road, across the lane of Delmas Road coming from the N1's side have been victims of the fatal accidents because of speeding drivers.

Please can we start with the process of supplying and installing a speed detection camera at this intersection? Please see the signatories of this petition as people feeling like minded and seeing the urgancy of having this camera installed.

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