Somerton Ridge Needs An Estate Sign!

Potential_Somerton_Ridge_Sign_Cnr_Days_Road_Nightjar_Drive.jpgAs neighbouring estates like Coomera Springs & Coomera Retreat have their own estate sign to demonstrate exclusively in their respected areas, we want to get a sign put up on the corner of Days Road & Nightjar Drive or the corner of Days Road & Bridie Drive to represent and tag the start of the beautiful estate of Somerton Ridge. This sign would go up and say "Somerton Ridge" so residents and visitors would know formerly of this exclusive top end estate in Upper Coomera and the Northern Gold Coast. Somerton Ridge is a very known area and is an attraction point for many reasons and people don't even know the name of it. The streets inside the estate attract a lot of visitors through out the year and Christmas time as fantastic Christmas light displays on Forest-Oak Drive & Jagera Drive attract many tourists from all over the state and beyond. Somerton Ridge also is known for the big blocks of land. The estate allotments are all over 800sqm blocks. All of the homes built are unique and it is heavily owner occupied making it a fantastic place to live and bring up a family. We need as many local residents and visitors to sign off on this online petition to get a sign up in the estate! 

Brad Wilson - Ray White Upper Coomera    Contact the author of the petition

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